Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Acute Care Nursing - Reflections on Practice Essay
Acute Care Nursing - Reflections on Practice - Essay Example This paper evaluates management of a midwifery case of a 29-year old who after presenting bleeding at 35.5 weeks of pregnancy undergoes an emergency caesarean section (C/S) and in the recovery room for post-surgery, bleeding continues despite IV infusion. After four hours, the woman is pale and responds poorly to non-verbal cues. The midwife has to assess Yee to ensure that her bleeding is not due to any other underlying risk factor but for cesarean section in her third stage of labor (Jacob, 2012, p. 415). Yee has experienced postpartum hemorrhage even though her blood loss after the cesarean birth is 700mL just four hours after the operation and there is a possibility of retained placenta fragments in her uterus given that her fundus is boggy and non-contracted (Yogev, 2004, p. 486). For accurate assessment of the fundus, the mother should be required to empty her bladder to eliminate interference with the uterine and lie flat on her back while flexing her knees. If the fundus is still soft and boggy, massaging should be performed gently until it gets firm. Retained fragments are ranked as one of the main cause of late postpartum hemorrhage and in the case of Yee, shock, continued bleeding, and boggy uterus are some main signs and symptoms. Further, the midwife must also ensure that fundus palpitation is d one frequently to determine ongoing muscle tone but this should not involve over massage as it fatigues the muscles (B-Lynch, 2006, p. 396). Since effective uterine contraction is the goal, bladder distention must be prevented since it displaces the uterus. Besides the administration of intravenous fluid, a physician can provide manual removal especially if the cause is incomplete separations of the placenta. The midwife must use communication to manage Yee’s feelings of faintness and dizziness that makes her not to respond to verbal cues (Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH), 2010). Sub-consciousness is due to orthostatic hypotension after birth and cautions the midwife of the patient’s safety. Hypotension arises from blood results loss causing blood pressure to lower to about 90/50 and a heart rate of 120 in attempts to circulate the blood in the body.
Monday, October 28, 2019
U.S. History of Building Construction and Fire Safety Essay Example for Free
U.S. History of Building Construction and Fire Safety Essay The construction of modern buildings has been constantly improving in providing world class architectural designs and durable construction materials that can help buildings withstand earthquakes and even fire hazards. It is the prime responsibilities of engineers and architects to ensure the building’s safety. Presence of skyscrapers and other high-rise buildings have become symbols of urban landscape. In planning the construction of buildings the safety of the occupants should always be consider. That is why there are building codes and specific safety measures and devices to make the buildings safe from danger. Building disasters usually comes from natural cause like earthquakes that is why earthquake proof buildings were constructed. Others are due to human factors brought by neglect or by terrorist attacks which can cause fire explosions inside building infrastructures. The U. S. history of building constructions had undergone necessary improvements and adjustments to their construction and planning in the passage of years to meet the safety standards of buildings therefore reducing the casualties in times of disasters. Fire safety and preservation of people’s lives are now the main focus in building structures and has been the greatest challenge for engineering firms. It is the goal of developers, architects, engineers and safety officials to conform to safety codes to prevent lost of lives due to fire and earthquake hazards. Building fires and structure failure are investigated and analyzed to understand the factors that contribute to the catastrophe. The investigations will establish the likely technical causes of the building failures and evaluate the technical aspects of emergency response and evacuation procedures in the wake of such failures. The goal is to encouraged improvements to the way in which buildings are designed, constructed, maintained and used. (National Institute Of Standards and Technology, 2008) History of Building Construction Changes in the Context of Fire Safety and Prevention Fire protection engineers with the help of science and technology develop means to protect people and property from fire. In designing new buildings or renovations to existing buildings, fire protection engineers develop the plan for fire protection. Fire protection engineering has evolved significantly over the past several centuries. Early application of fire protection engineering was intended to prevent conflagrations that could destroy whole cities. In the early 1900s, the primary objective of fire protection engineering was to limit fire to its building of origin. As fire protection engineering advance, this objective was refined to limit a fire to its object or room of origin. However it wasn’t until the later part of the 20th century that fire protection engineering had matured to the point that it included the fundamental tenets of professional and personal discipline. (Hurley, 2008) In 1800 English inventor John Carry designed the first crude automatic sprinkler but it went underdeveloped for a long period of time. In 1852 a patent was issued for first sprinkler-perforated pipe system which was the first recognized installation of fire protection equipment. In 1921 California passed a law forbidding wooden shingles on roofs but pressure from the roofing industry brought repeal. (Aurora Regional Fire Museum, 2008) A comparison of the 1968 and the 2003 New York City building code was conducted where the reference standards, compartmentation, construction, means of egress, fire suppression systems, fire alarm detection, signaling systems, emergency power and smoke and heat venting are analyzed. Reference standards include the standard method of fire test for construction materials, standards test for surface burning characteristic of building materials, installation of fire doors and windows. It also dealt with installation of air-conditioning and ventilating systems, installation of sprinkler systems, standpipe, water supplies, smoke detection, alarm and extinguishing systems. Safety codes for elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and moving walks are also improved continuously. Occupancies are classified if they are primary occupants or secondary. Occupancy separation is also important. Roof construction including beams, trusses and framing, arches, dome, shells, cable that supported roofs and roof decks also. Fire and smoke dampers are also important. Means of egress is also evaluated. The required width of the means of egress should not be obstructed or reduce in any manner. Every floor area should also be provided with at least two approved independent exits. (NIST, 2008) Examples of Major Cases in U. S. History That Led To Changes in Building Construction Major cases of fire incidents happen in different settings like hotel, industrial areas, hospitals, warehouses, restaurants, night clubs, and high-rise buildings. High-rise building fires differ from low-rise building fires. A high rise building can be described as structure more than 75 feet high while aerial ladder reaches only 75 feet. People trapped in a burning high rise building who cannot be reached by the highest ladder will usually leap to their deaths or remain trapped inside the buildings. (High-rise Fires, 2008) Interstate Bank Building Fires in Los Angeles, California The Interstate Bank Building Fire in Los Angeles, California that happened May 4, 1988 was one of the most destructive high-rise fires in recent United States history. The fire presented the greatest potential for a â€Å"towering inferno†scenario of any U. S. fire experience and was controlled through massive and manual fire suppression efforts. It demonstrated the absolute need for automatic sprinklers to provide protection for tall buildings. The fire destroyed four floors and damaged fifth floor of the modern 62 story First Interstate Bank Building in L. A. , claimed one life, injured approximately 35 occupants and 14 fire personnel, and resulted in property loss of over $50 million. The interior design was found to be a large open area with readily combustible contents that contributed to quick fire growth. The sound-power emergency phone system was also ineffective. Radio communication were overtaxed and disrupted by building’s steel frame. (High-Rise Fires, 2008) One Meridian Plaza Fire One Meridian Plaza Fire document was one of the most significant high-rise fires in the United States’ history. The fire claimed the lives of three Philadelphia firefighters and gutted eight floors of a 38 story fire resistive building causing an estimated $ 100 million in direct property loss and business interruptions. This fire was a large scale realization of fire risks that have been identified on other similar occasions. The most significant new information from this fire relates to the vulnerability of the systems that were installed to provide electrical power and the support fire protection effort. In this incident there was an early loss of normal electric power, a failure of the emergency generator and a major problem with the standpipe system, which all contributed to the final outcome. (High-rise Fires, 2008) Rockefeller Center High-Rise Fire On October 10, 1996, an electrical fire in the landmark Rockefeller Center in New York City required a five alarm response by FDNY to control the fire. The damage was cause by five separate fires in various electrical rooms that caused significant disruption to a major television network. At approximately 4 a. m. on Thursday October 10, 1996 an electrical fire occurred at 30 Rockefeller Center Plaza in New York City. Several fires broke out in five remote locations, filling many areas of the building with smoke. The fires presented a challenge for the New York City fire department because of the varied locations of simultaneous fires and the confusing layout of the building. The Rockefeller Center is actually a complex building that is interconnected. This incident as analyzed by the NFPA has inadequate circuit protection, failure of the building alarm system to transmit the alarm, lack of smoke detection in the areas of the fire. If the fires have been detected earlier, they probably would have been easier to extinguish. The confusing building layout made the fire fighters to have a difficult time locating the fires. (High-Rise Fires, 2008) The World Trade Center Fire The collapse and fire incidence of New York’s City’s World Trade Center structures following the terrors attacks of September 11, 2001 was the world’s worst building disaster in recorded history killing about 2,800 people. More then 350 fire and emergency responders were among those killed, the largest lost of life for this group in a single incident. In response to the WTC tragedy, the National Institute Of Standards And Technology conducted a 3-year building and fire safety investigation to study the factors contributing to the probable cause of post impact collapse of the WTC towers (WTC 1 and ) and WTC 7 expanded its research in areas of high priority need such as prevention of progressive collapse, fire resistance and retrofit of structures, and fire resistive coatings for structural steel and is reaching out to the building and fire safety communities to pave the way for timely expedited considerations of recommendations stemming from the investigation. (NIST, 2008) 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Impact to Building Construction The goal of NIST or National Institute of Standards And Technology was to investigate the building construction, the material used, and the technical conditions that contributed to the outcome of the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster. It will serve as the basis for improvements in the way buildings are designed, constructed, maintained and used. The revision of codes, standards, practices and improved public safety are recommended. The primary objectives of the NIST-led technical investigation of the WTC disaster are to determine why and how WTC 1 and 2 collapsed following the initial impact of the aircraft and why and how WTC 7 collapsed. Determining the reason why the injuries and fatalities where so high or low depending on the location, including all technical aspects of fire protection, occupant behavior, evacuation, and emergency response. Identify as specifically as possible areas in building and fire codes, standards and practices that are still in use and needed revisions. (NIST, 2008) The eight major groups of recommendations included are: 1. ) Increased structural integrity, 2. ) Enhanced fire resistance of structures, 3. ) New methods for fire resistance design of structures 4. )Improved active fire protection 5. ) Improve building evacuation 6. )Improve emergency response 7. ) Improve procedures and practices and lastly 8. )Continuing education and training for fire safety. The standard for estimating the load effects of potential hazards like progressive collapse or winds and the design of structural systems are observed. Enhanced fire resistance of structures involves procedures and practices used to ensure the fire resistance of structures. It is enhanced by improving the technical basis for construction classification and fire resistance ratings. New methods for fire resistance design of structures includes practices used in fire resistance design of structures. Performance based methods are an alternative to prescriptive design methods. (NIST, 2008) This effort should include the development and evaluation of new fire resistive coating materials and technologies. Evaluation of the fire performance of conventional and high performance structural materials was conducted. Improved active fire protection systems like sprinklers, standpipes/hoses, fire alarms, and smoke management systems should be enhanced thorough improvements to design, performance and reliability. Improve building evacuation should be improved to include system designs that facilitate safe and rapid egress. Methods of ensuring clear and timely emergency communications to occupants are encourage together with better occupant preparedness for evacuation during emergencies. Incorporation of appropriate egress technologies was observed. Improved emergency response technologies and procedures should be improved to enable better access to buildings, response operations, emergency communications, and command control in large scale emergencies. Improve procedure and practices are used in the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of buildings. (NIST, 2008) Conclusion Analyzing the factors that cause building fires is necessary to help reduce the number of casualties and loss of property. There are many organizations responsible in supporting engineers and building construction firms to ensure the safety of their buildings from fire hazards. These include NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology), ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), ICC (International Code Council) and UL (Underwriter’s Laboratories) a product safety testing and certification organization and the Skyscraper Safety Campaign. Different incidence of high-rise building disasters provides firefighters with knowledge of the extent of damage and how to prevent the disasters to happen again. Safety measures and upgrade of fire safety equipment in building construction should be prioritized. The lessons learned from various building fire cases can provide background knowledge of the factors contributing to fire incidence. The most recent and the worst building fire case is the World Trade Center fires which exposed the vulnerability of public buildings to uncontrolled fires, explosions and other terrorist attacks. (NIST, 2008) Firefighters and building developers should keep in mind the factors that contribute to success or failure of fire disaster prevention and response. This include basic things like firefighter extinguishment, emergency response, heating and ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVACs), standpipe system, portable radios, building construction and evacuation strategy. These factors contribute to the quality and standard of building construction’s fire safety and prevention. There are many threats to buildings safety but there are applicable means to reduce the destructive impact of building fire hazards and collapse. Coordination between the government officials, inspectors, fire protection engineers and developers limits the chances for building fires and accident. Buildings safety is achievable by reducing the risks of fire and danger to people’s lives. References Grosshandler, W. , (2003). â€Å"Abstract: Research and Development for the Safety of Threatened Buildings.†Building and Fire Research Laboratory. Retrieved October 8, 2008, from http://www. fire. nist. gov/ Hurley, M. , P. E. S. F. P. E. , (2008). â€Å"Fire Protection Engineering. †National Institute Of Building Sciences. Retrieved October 8, 2008, from http://www. wbdg. org/ â€Å"Construction Organizations. †(2008). Dezignare. com. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www. dezignare. com/ â€Å"Executive Summary: Final Report of the National Construction Safety Team on the Collapses of the World Trade Center Towers (Draft). †(2004). NIST And the World Trade Center Publications. Retrieved October 4, 2008, from http://wtc. nist. gov. / â€Å"Final Plan: Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation. †(2008) National Institute of Standards and Technology Retrieved October 4, 2008, from http://wtc. nist. gov/ â€Å"Fire through the Ages: A Timeline. †(2008). Aurora Regional Fire Museum. Retrieved October 8, 2008, from http://www. auroregionalfiremuseum. org/ â€Å"High-Rise Fires. †(2008). Special Fires. Retrieved October 8, 2008, from http://www. iklimnet. com/
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Changes Of Jerome Renault Essay examples -- essays research papers
Jerry Renault in The Chocolate War appears to be â€Å"going with the flow†â€â€trying out for football, checking out girlsâ€â€but his inner character drives him to differ. He fights to grasp his feelings and lacks self-confidence when he needs it most. As Jerry begins to unearth his inner-self, other obstacles and ideas dealing with certain emotions arise. As he progresses and reaches a level of comprehension, he grows closer to his goalâ€â€a sense of self-rule. Jerry seems to be a typical freshman, in a period of experimentationâ€â€trying out for the team, dreaming about girls, reading â€Å"girlie magazines,†but he also appears to be a dazed and confused one. He is â€Å"stunned by his mother’s recent death and by the way his father sleepwalks through life.†Jerry is experiencing an identity crisis and needs some self loyalty which can only be gained by reaching a level of understanding of himself and his feelings. Later, preparing for bed and sleep, Jerry looked at himself in the mirror, saw himself as that guy on the Common must have seen him the other day: Square Boy. Just as he had superimposed his mother’s image on his father’s face, now he could see his father’s face reflected in his own features. He turned away. He didn’t want to be a mirror image of his father. The thought made him cringe. I want to do something, be somebody. But what? But what? (p.53) As Jerry continues to search for himself, he is faced with a â€Å"Vigil assignment†â€â€refusal to participate in the school fund raiser, ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Submarines :: essays research papers
The History of Submarines      In the year 2000, the American submarine force will celebrate the first century of service by highly skilled people in some of the most technologically advanced vessels ever built. The past 100 years have witnessed the evolution of a force that mastered submersible warfare, introduced nuclear propulsion to create the true submarine, and for decades patrolled the deep ocean front line; the hottest part of an otherwise Cold War.      Submarines in War      The U.S. Navy’s involvement with the submarine dates form 1888 when the Bureau of Construction and Repair (BUC&R) sponsored a design competition that brought John Holland a naval contract to build the experimental Plunger. As the new century dawned, prominent American naval leaders like Admiral George Dewey called the submarine a real threat to international surface forces, leading the Navy to acquire its first submarine in 1900. Overcoming competition from fellow American inventor, Simon Lake, Holland sold his newest model, Holland VI, to the Navy for $160,000 on April 11. This 64-ton submarine commissioned as USS Holland, or SS-1, on October 12 of the same year, was equipped with an Otto-type gasoline engine for surface running and electric motors for submerged operations.      Due to the volatility of gasoline, American submersible designs soon followed the French practice, adopting the diesel engine in 1909 with the Electric Boat Company’s F class (SS-20 through 23), built at Union Iron Works in San Francisco. Combining the influence of diesel propulsion with the submersible designs of Holland and Lake, American submersibles took a familiar configuration through American entry into the Great War. Submarines of the E, H, K, L, M, N, O, and R classes and ranged in displacement form 287 to 510 tons, with the fastest boats displaying a top surface speed of barely 14 knots on diesel power.      During World War I the U.S. Navy separated these submersibles into two groups according to mission. â€Å"Boats†of the N and O classes, as well as some of the E type, patrolled American coasts and harbors following a defensive strategy.      Other submarines drew assignments that sent them to hostile European waters after 1917. Some K-, L-, O-, and E-class boats conducted offensive, open-sea operations from the Azores and Bantry Bay in Ireland. They supported the Allied effort to maintain open sea lanes along the European coast and in the approaches to the British Isles.      The Nay Department’s plans for these vessels reflected the prevailing surface warfare thinking, which perceived the submersible as a type of destroyer or torpedo boat that should operate with the battle fleet.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Language and Culture Essay
One’s culture affects almost all of one’s communication behaviors. I discovered an article written by Margaret Cote, â€Å"Language Reflects Culture,†that reveals many of the differences between the Saulteaux language and the English language. Margaret Cote states, â€Å"Language determines the way a person views the world. †She describes how Indian people view things around them differently then English speaking people do. Margaret Cote says that she views the world around her in two different ways depending on what language she is speaking. In this paper I will discuss how attitudes and behavior are determined by the language one speaks and how language does indeed reflect a culture. One’s culture determines the way one processes information and how one copes with reality. Concepts and objects have frames of reference that differ from culture to culture. The meaning of a word partly depends on the culture’s historical relation to the concept or object described. When Margaret Cope returns home the topic of the conversation determines the language she speaks. Different cultures see the world differently. The Saulteaux people are extremely concerned with exactness and have different words for we and you, depending on whether they are being inclusive or exclusive. American culture is not as concerned with exactness and therefore we use the words we and you differently. Different cultures have different beliefs and values and these are expressed in their language, whether it be verbal or non-verbal. Many misunderstandings occur in intercultural communications because many are unaware of these differences. It is important for one to learn the differences of various cultures for one to understand one’s own identity. It is through knowing about others that one learns what is truly important to oneself. Language Reflects a Culture Languages group aspects of reality together. Things that are important to a culture have many groups and words for those things. Things that are insignificant have fewer groups and words. For example, there are many different words for car in the English language, because cars are very important to us. In the Saulteaux language there are many words for snow, because snow is an important factor for them. Both verbal and non-verbal communication reflects whether or not a culture values individualism or collectivism. Individualistic cultures value self-expression, speak out to solve problems and are confrontational when dealing with interpersonal problems. In collectivist cultures people have unconditional loyalty to the group and use avoidance, and face-saving techniques to solve problems (Hybels, S. & Weaver, R. (2007). P. 64). Culture determines one’s long-term or short-term orientation. In cultures with long-term orientation people value tradition, persistence, relationships by status, and having a sense of shame. In cultures with short-term orientation people do not value tradition as much because it tends to prevent innovation, nor do they have the same sense of shame or need to save face (p. 65). Communication between different cultures can be difficult. Many individuals either lack knowledge of other cultures or are just naive when it comes to dealing with individuals from other cultures. There are many barriers to intercultural communication, including ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Ethnocentrism is when one believes one’s own cultural norms and ways of thinking are superior to all other cultures. Ethnocentrism becomes a barrier to intercultural communication when one refuses to believe that another culture’s beliefs have any real value. It prevents one from seeing another’s point of view and greatly hampers empathy (p. 66). Stereotyping is oversimplifying or distorting views of another culture. Stereotypes categorize and generalize the information we receive daily. The problem with stereotypes is once they are established they are difficult to remove. Individuals tend to view things that fit the stereotype rather than see things that dispute them. This can be a barrier to intercultural communication because if one believes a negative stereotype about a certain culture they are much less likely to empathize with them (p. 66). Prejudice is a negative attitude toward a cultural group. These attitudes are usually based on little or no experience. When one has prejudice feelings towards another cultural group they do not like them because of some unseen or unproven fact. This greatly hampers intercultural communication because when one has a prejudice they form an opinion about a person before they even get to know them. Stereotypes often lead to prejudice. Getting to know individuals from different cultures assists one in eliminating prejudice (p. 67). Discrimination takes stereotypes and prejudice one step further by excluding, avoiding, and distancing oneself from other cultural groups. Discrimination is a barrier to intercultural communication because it does not allow interaction between different cultural groups. When one does not experience interactions with other cultural groups they are unable to learn about different beliefs and values. In closing, language is a pattern that ascertains the shape our thoughts and experiences take. One’s culture affects almost all of one’s communication behaviors. It determines how one views the world. The words and actions of individuals are determined by one’s culture. Communication behaviors are mostly learned when one is young by imitating those around one. Culture affects one’s attitudes and behaviors, and it reflects exactly what is most important to the people of that culture. Learning about different cultures can assist one when having intercultural communications. When we open our minds and hearts we are much less likely to stereotype, be prejudice against, or to discriminate against individuals that are different then ourselves. Being open and accepting of others makes intercultural communications a rewarding experience.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Armistice Day Quotes
Armistice Day Quotes Armistice Day or Remembrance Day is a day to honor the service of military personnel during the First World War. On November 11, 1918, the Allied Forces and Germany signed the armistice agreement for the cessation of war. After the Second World War, November 11 is celebrated as Armistice or Remembrance Day in the British Commonwealth of Nations and as Veterans Day in the US. In the US, Armistice Day was renamed to Veterans Day in 1954, at the end of the Korean War. It was instituted to honor all war veterans, living and martyred. On this day, military personnel and their families enjoy special treats, discounts, and perks from military and non-military establishments. Today, Armistice Day is a national holiday in Commonwealth Nations, and countries outside the Commonwealth such as France, Germany, and Belgium. Government s recognize the contribution of war veterans, who displayed courage and patriotism in the face of danger. Soldiers are honored with medals, certificates, and prizes. Grand parades, marching bands, and other military ceremonies mark the holiday, building the spirit of patriotism and brotherhood. General Omar N. Bradley Armistice Day is a constant reminder that we won a war and lost a peace. Blaise Pascal We must kill them in war, just because they live beyond the river. If they lived on this side, we would be called murderers. Chris Taylor, Platoon I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy; we fought ourselves. The enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days. Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions Armistice Day has become Veterans Day. Armistice Day was sacred. Veterans Day is not. So I will throw Veterans Day over my shoulder. Armistice Day I will keep. I dont want to throw away any sacred things. General William Tecumseh Sherman I confess without shame that I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded, who cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is Hell. Francis Marion Crawford They fell, but oer their glorious grave Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save. Will Rogers We cant all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. James A. Hetley She mourned with a bleak blank determination, marching straight ahead with a shell-shocked vets hollow-eyed thousand-yard stare while doing the next thing and the next. Joseph Campbell As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. Elmer Davis This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Thomas Dunn English But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for, Is their monument to-day, and for aye. Jimmy Carter War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children. Gen. Jack D. Ripper, Dr. Strangelove War is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. Carol Lynn Pearson Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Phrasal Verbs - English Definitions for ESL Students
Phrasal Verbs - English Definitions for ESL Students There are four types of phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable and they can take an object or not. Here is a guide to the basics of phrasal verbs. Phrasal Verbs which Take Objects Phrasal verbs which take objects are known as transitive phrasal verbs. These verbs can be separable or inseparable: Separable phrasal verbs can remain together when using an object that is a noun or noun phrase. I picked Tom up. OR I picked up Tom.They put their friends up. OR They put up their friends.My friends gave bowling up. OR My friends gave up bowling. Separable phrasal verbs: pick up, put up, give up Separable phrasal verbs MUST be separated when a pronoun is used: We picked him up at the station. NOT We picked up him at the station.They put them up. NOT They put up them.She thought it up the other day. NOT She thought up it the other day. Separable phrasal verbs: pick up, put up, think up Inseparable phrasal verbs always remain together. It makes no difference if a noun or pronoun is used. We set off for the beach. / We set off for it.They are looking after the children. / They are looking after them.The teacher called for the answer in class. / The teacher called for it in class. Inseparable phrasal verbs: set off, look after, call for Phrasal Verbs which Dont Take Objects Some phrasal verbs do not take objects. Verbs that do not take objects are also known as intransitive verbs. These phrasal verbs are ALWAYS inseparable. The thieves got away.The bus broke down on the way to work.She got up early. Intransitive phrasal verbs: get away, break down, get up If you are not sure whether a phrasal verb is separable or inseparable, ALWAYS use a noun or nouns phrase and DO NOT separate. In this manner, you will always be correct! Separable Phrasal Verbs: bring up, take off They brought up their children to respect others.She took off her jacket before she began the lesson.The boss put off the meeting until next week. Inseparable Phrasal Verbs: look for, set off, keep at She was looking for her books when he arrived.They set off for a wonderful holiday in Hawaii.You should keep at your homework for at least an hour. Three-word Phrasal Verbs Some verbs are followed by two prepositions (or adverbs). These phrasal verbs are ALWAYS inseparable. Im looking forward to meeting John. OR Im looking forward to meeting him.They didnt get on with their mother. OR They didnt get on with her.Peter came up with a great idea. OR Peter came up with it. Three-word phrasal verbs: look forward to, get on with, come up with Phrasal Verb Type Quiz Check your understanding by identifying each phrasal verb as transitive or intransitive and separable or inseparable. For example: My friend picked me up at the airport. - pick up: transitive, separable We set off at six oclock in the morning. Tom looks forward to meeting you next week.Unfortunately, the thieves got away.He told me that he had given cigarettes up last year.I got up and went to work.Jennifer thought it up during the meeting. I was so tired after the race I broke down.He brought the subject up during class yesterday.Ill look after your dogs while youre away on vacation.She came up with a great idea. Quiz Answers set off: intransitive / inseparablelook forward to: transitive / inseparableget away: intransitive / inseparablegive up: transitive / separableget up: intransitive / inseparablethink up: transitive / separablebreak down: intransitive / inseparablebring up: transitive / separablelook after: transitive / inseparablecome up with: transitive / inseparable Continue Learning Phrasal Verbs This phrasal verbs reference list will get you started with short definitions of approximately 100 of the most common phrasal verbs. Teachers can use this introducing phrasal verbs lesson plan to help students become more familiar with phrasal verbs and start building phrasal verb vocabulary. Finally, there are a wide variety of phrasal verb resources on the site to help you learn new phrasal verbs.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
God Had Preordained Jeremiah As A Prophet Religion Essay Example
God Had Preordained Jeremiah As A Prophet Religion Essay Example God Had Preordained Jeremiah As A Prophet Religion Essay God Had Preordained Jeremiah As A Prophet Religion Essay God had preordained Jeremiah as a prophesier, even before he was born. As stated in Jeremiah 1:5: Before I formed you in the uterus I knew you, before you were born I set you apart ; I appointed you as a prophesier to the states. As hard a message as God gave Jeremiah to present to the people of Judah ( Jerusalem ) , God knew that Jeremiah loved Judah, but he loved God much more. Even though God knew that Jeremiah had a really hard message to present to his ain people of Judah, God knew that his love for God was even stronger. As stated in ( Romans 8:28 ) : Jeremiah hoped and prayed for clemency from God for Judah, even though Jeremiah realized that God was traveling to penalize them badly for their iniquitous ways, which included rampant devotion , ( something that God had promised He would judge, devotion, most badly ( Leviticus 26:31-33 ; Deuteronomy 28:49-68 ) . Even though God had saved Judah from devastation legion times, His clemency had eventually come to an terminal. Jer emiah knew this, but he still warned Judah that God s judgement was at manus. Jeremiah makes his concluding supplication for Judah to atone and turn back to God, even though he realizes that their devastation is inevitable. Jeremiah 29:10-11 besides states: This is what the Lord says: When 70 old ages are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and carry through my gracious promise to convey you back to this topographic point. For I know the programs I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to thrive you and non to harm you, plans to give you hope and a hereafter. Even though Jeremiah knew that God was traveling to destruct Judah, by allowing the Babylonian s conquer and destruct them, God was a merciful God, and He promised ( after 70 old ages ) to reconstruct Judah back into the land God had originally given to them ( Jeremiah 29:10 ) . This shows that God is good, merely and righteous. He neer gives up on His people, and there is ever a opportunity to atone and a opportunit y for redemption is ever available, if non to the multitudes, but for each person. Jeremiah besides presents a prognostication of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ ( Jeremiah 23:5-6 ) . It is Jesus Christ who will be recognized as the true Messiah by Israel, and He is the 1 who will supply true redemption ( v. 6 ; Romans 11:26 ) . 2 ) How long, or to what extent do you believe the Lord will give prophetic warnings to people of the latter yearss? No affair how long we will finally be given a prophetic warning, we excessively must obey God, acknowledge His will as more of import than our ain desires, trust that God, in His infinite wisdom and perfect program, will convey about the best for His kids ( Romans 8:28 ) . However, in my sentiment, that is the million dollar inquiry that faces us today. With what s traveling on in the World today, you can clearly see that states every bit good their people, are non obeying the commandments and Torahs that were set down by God in order for us to populate the proper manner that He wants us to populate. Many modern twenty-four hours Prophetss every bit good as prognostications written in the Bible many old ages ago, have predicted current events that are go oning which are bespeaking that our current society is on the brink of prostration and entire devastation. We have been avoiding ( by the tegument of our dentitions ) devastation of our society, much like Jeremiah and Isaiah were for etelling to Israel and Judah many old ages ago. Finally, Isaiah and Jeremiah s ( every bit good as many other Prophetss ) prognostications came true with the devastation and dispersement of Israel and their 10 lost folks every bit good as the devastation of Judah 70 old ages subsequently by the Babylonians. It was merely a affair of clip after God saved Judah from devastation on many occasions, that God s forbearance eventually ran out and the words of the Prophetss came true. And with the same things go oning today, it will merely be a affair of clip before God s forbearance with us will eventually run out and our society will be destroyed, likely from a World War III or a atomic bomb. However, until that clip comes, we all have the opportunity to accept the Messiah, Jesus Christ into our lives, who was sent down by His Father, The Lord God to assist us atone, forgive our wickednesss, and put us on the way to redemption so that we will accept the word of The Lord, and acquire a 2nd opportunity to get down populating life the manner God wants us to. : Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // 2/3/2010 Chisholm, Robert B. , Jr. ( 2002 ) , Handbook on the Nebiims, p. 153-223. Baker Academic. Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Ideas about What Happens after Death in Research Paper
Compare and Contrast the Ideas about What Happens after Death in Buddhism and Christianity - Research Paper Example Death is one entity which causes the cessation of these duties. There are many definitions of death in different scriptures and religions. The scientific world describes death as a mode when there is a permanent termination of all biological functions needed to sustain a living body. The journey does not end here as there is a mention of a life after death or the beginning of the afterlife across various religions of the world. According to the second law of thermodynamics, all energetic states in nature strive to attain the most probable state thus the more disordered and the highly undifferentiated state (Koslowski 4). As such, resurrection or gaining eternal life or Nirvana would not be possible in a world that is subject to the laws of thermodynamics. It would be possible only in a world that is free from such physical laws. The theories on bodily resurrection or eternal life are based on the assumptions of ontological transformation of the dead or the matter. Eternal life â€⠀œ its depiction across religions There are many ways by which the theories regarding after life or life after death is explained. No single belief or faith can provide an accurate concise explanation to the same. Christianity and Islam speak about the existence of the heaven and the hell as places where the dead transcend after death. Sikhism and Hinduism also believe in the concept of reincarnation and heaven and hell. According to these religions, one’s life after death or his journey in the afterlife depend on the deeds he performs in his biological life. Good deeds lead to heaven while wrong deeds lead to hell (Ellis and White, 83). Christianity, Judaism and Islam acknowledge the apocalyptic transformation of matter and thus a realization of the afterlife (Koslowski, 4). Buddhism advocated the presence of life after death. But it does not mention the existence of heaven or hell in its religion. According to the Buddhist doctrines, human life is a cycle that consists of b irth, death and rebirth. The process is a continuous one and is known as the Dharma chakra or the Samsara (Prasad, 4). According to it, living life forms a continuum of life after death that begins immediately after a person is dead. Buddhism lays great emphasis on the karma of a person. According to it, a person leaves behind his karma and his character. The force generated out of his karma brings in an entity that would be influenced by it and bear the same disposition as the dead (Prasad, 4). Afterlife as in Buddhism and Christianity Buddhism began with the teachings of Gautama Buddha to address the suffering that exists in the world. Buddhism accepts the religious philosophies of Hindu doctrines which believed in reincarnation and karma. It believes that the ultimate goal of any religious life is to attain liberation from the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Buddha said that desire and cravings for materialistic things keeps one bound to the cycle of life, death and after death . When one liberates himself completely from such material pleasures he liberates himself from the cycle and enters the state of Nirvana. Buddhism however was not focused on ultimate salvation or attaining Nirvana as the sole motive in the life of an individual. Little is said about Nirvana in the Buddhist scriptures as Buddha felt the importance of attachment, pain and sufferings. The people were encouraged to give alms to the needy, donation of goods and services, to chant or copy sutras and engage in activities to gain merit. This would lead them to think
Friday, October 18, 2019
MIDTERM PART 1 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MIDTERM PART 1 - Term Paper Example Questions that are of particular interest to the scientist in this group are as follows: 1what is race? 2. What is its purpose on your planet? 3. We find that our meritocracy has served us well; allowing as doing amazing things, would a meritocracy work for you? Pleas answer the extraterrestrials questions. Page response maximum=3 Race is analyzed as the social construction that involves the racial classification with a common meaning. Racial formation includes both the racial groups and the constant racial thought. With the human interaction with the natural differentiation, the emphasis on the power of race in our current society greatly traverses with the ancestry and appearance of the individuals of a certain society. Hair, complexion facial features are major characteristics that influence the domination of races in lives (Williams, 1996). For a number of learners, that questions the different concepts of racial differences and ethnicity, cultural and heritage as well as nationality has been invested in the racial-differences. In the racialized realities that involves ethnic rituals that shows the historic interracial studies that helps in interacting with people coming from different backgrounds with the highly racialized boundaries ( Newport, 2011). The implications that multicultural classes vary from the ethnic studies classes that explain an historic separation of different races that is normal. The racial subject that is brought about by the common norms among people is manifested in the racial and economic prospects of different communities. Cultural differences is insurmountable that creates the existence of the â€Å"bona fide†mono racial groupings (Williams, 1996). Currently, all the learners were not challenged to consider on how race races are constructed. Therefore, making the claim that the race is faulty concept is significant its sociological application that do not mention in the interracial
Performance management in action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Performance management in action - Essay Example Nampak plastics are a South African owned company which is a strong performer in its industry and is strategically located to supply the entire United Kingdom. It has eight manufacturing sites from Glasgow to Gloucestershire. It was noticed that the morale was very low in organisation and people were also treated badly. Few employees were seen running around the organisation to do everything and the rest employees were seen to sit around watching. The culture of the organisation affected its customers. In fact, Nampak was found as the worst supplier to its customers. Customer’s complaints were also reaching at large numbers. So, it was decided by the organisation to develop a legacy on the engagement and involvement of employees from the bottom of organisation to up. Eric Collins, the managing director of Nampak Plastics, conducted a meaningful survey of employee satisfaction in the company. In the feedback, it was found that around 80 percent of staggering employees do not pr efer Nampak as a place to work with family and friends as they thought that everything was wrong. To make its improvement, certain key initiatives were taken. Initially, Collins took the attempt to meet with customers to hear what is going well in the organisation and what is going badly. In a session with employees, an incredible dissatisfaction was seen from the shop floor. Large number of blames was levelled towards Eric. Later on, Wright-Smith was appointed as the head of HR. The first action taken by her was the ban of word â€Å"engagement†.â€Å"engagement†as she opined that people could not be engaged by telling them to be engaged. Rather, the need of the hour is to run focus groups by asking people at various levels of organisation and at each site regarding what could make Nampak a better working place. However, the feedback raised was not so good and it gave rise to the three key themes. The first issue was poor communication about the business as people co uld not understand what was going on and they did not feel involved. Secondly, the training and development was poor as the employees could not feel that they hold a career there and had any opportunities of development. Lastly, they did not get any feedback on their performance as their managers did not make any communication with them. Focus on front line managers It was decide to implement a system of company-wide performance management. It was asked to the group of employees regarding what they wanted. They answered that they wanted not just objectives but personal development. So, the company provided training to all the managers, focussing that it is the quality of conversation that counts a lot, not just a proper filling of form.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of the Consumers of Dissertation
Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of the Consumers of Thailand - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that in the modern era of rapid globalization and advancement of technology, the firms all around the world are facing a tremendous competition in the domain of attracting the different markets, to be specific, attracting the customers. Every firm is thriving by the usage of various channels which helps them to reach their target customers. Today the entire world has become a local market place and the entire population of the world has become the target market for the marketers. The increased application of technology has made the task easier for both the customers and the marketers. The recent trend of using internet for the purpose of shopping is gaining popularity all across the world. The topic we are dealing with is the behavior of the shoppers in Thailand with respect to online shopping. The previous studies on this topic shows that online shopping have been already recognized as a popular trend among the customers of UK however itâ €™s yet to gain heights of popularity in developing countries like Thailand. The study conducted by the Thai National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC) reveals that the total number of shoppers in Thailand includes almost 23.6% internet shoppers. Also their online shopping decision is influenced greatly by their friends, family and colleagues. Thus its evident from previous studies that online shopping is already a familiar term in Thailand.
The relationship between geography and culture along the mississippi Essay
The relationship between geography and culture along the mississippi river - Essay Example The river’s drainage basin is great. It can cover a combination of England, Ireland, Wiles, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, France, Germany, Australia, Turkey and Italy. This entire region as wide as it is fertile and so is the Mississippi valley. The Mississippi River has impacted a lot in the way of life of those leaving along its environs. This paper will explore how the river and its geography has affected the cultures of those who live along its banks. The Mississippi river draws its waters from twenty eight states and territories. The water is drawn from Delaware in the Atlantic seaboard and from all states between Delaware and Idaho which found on the pacific slopes. From the Ohio junction to almost half way to the sea, the river’s width is viewed to be almost a mile. The width however diminishes above the mouth. At the junction of Ohio, the river’s depth eighty-seven feet and the depth increases to one hundred and twenty thousand years. Its spread is calculate d to be forty-five degrees longitude. It receives water from fifty four rivers which can be navigated using boats. It also receives from other hundreds of rivers which are navigated using keels and flats. The river grows narrower and deeper towards the mouth. The river has a remarkable difference in its rise and fall in the lower part of the river. The rise is uniform towards Natchez about fifty feet. At Bayou La Fourche it raises by twenty-four feet, fifteen at New Orleans and only two and half at the mouth. Reports have indicated that the river empties around six million tons of mud into Mexico gulf. The deposits of mud gradually extend to the land. The Mississippi river
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of the Consumers of Dissertation
Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of the Consumers of Thailand - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that in the modern era of rapid globalization and advancement of technology, the firms all around the world are facing a tremendous competition in the domain of attracting the different markets, to be specific, attracting the customers. Every firm is thriving by the usage of various channels which helps them to reach their target customers. Today the entire world has become a local market place and the entire population of the world has become the target market for the marketers. The increased application of technology has made the task easier for both the customers and the marketers. The recent trend of using internet for the purpose of shopping is gaining popularity all across the world. The topic we are dealing with is the behavior of the shoppers in Thailand with respect to online shopping. The previous studies on this topic shows that online shopping have been already recognized as a popular trend among the customers of UK however itâ €™s yet to gain heights of popularity in developing countries like Thailand. The study conducted by the Thai National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC) reveals that the total number of shoppers in Thailand includes almost 23.6% internet shoppers. Also their online shopping decision is influenced greatly by their friends, family and colleagues. Thus its evident from previous studies that online shopping is already a familiar term in Thailand.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Constitution of the United States Assignment
The Constitution of the United States - Assignment Example It has long been the tradition of rulers to have a constitution that is used to form the basis of governance. Since the earliest recorded history, constitutions were used to define who held the authority to tax or hold property. Constitutions had the additional responsibility of defining what the public's rights were and designing a structure of law enforcement. The wording and intent of a constitution define the nature that the government will have and the limits of its authority over individual freedom, free thought, free thought, and the ability of the people to make any necessary change. These traditions carried over to the US Constitution, which is a written document that defines the structure of government and its relationship to the people. As with the constitutions that preceded it, the document sets limits on power and provides a means to enact and enforce legislation. The US Constitution presents an agreed upon set of principles that are acknowledged to be universal and a system to implement these beliefs. The US Constitution spells out the rights that the people have and the legal recourse available when these rights are violated. The US constitution is based on the principle of separation of powers, which divides authority among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. These basic principles were adopted from earlier European thinkers and constitutions, and form the foundation of the more eloquent expression that the legislative process is based on. In addition, the US constitution embodies the philosophical beliefs in equality and fairness that Americans have come to take for granted. While these principles were written into the original text, additional elaboration on individual rights and the need to accommodate a changing society have necessitated the addition of amendments.Â
A Semiparametric Analysis of the Relationship of Body Mass Index to Mortality Essay Example for Free
A Semiparametric Analysis of the Relationship of Body Mass Index to Mortality Essay
Monday, October 14, 2019
Poetry Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden English Literature Essay
Poetry Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden English Literature Essay Considered one of his best pieces of work, Robert Haydens Those Winter Sundays, is a heartfelt and moving poem. Haydens poem tells from a boys perspective of his father. In the poem it is obvious that there is a distance between the two and a clear gap of communication as well. But nearing the end of the poem we find that though ignorant of it at that moment, love is actually present. Although only a 14-line poem, Haydens poem packs remarkable power and meaning into each line, using tone and subtle symbolism to amplify the overall effect of the poem. The poem is broken down into three stanzas of 5, 4 and 5 lines, respectively. In the first stanza of the poem, the subject of the poem is established; the father. In the second stanza, the narrator is introduced into the poem and the atmosphere of the house is further described. In the third and final stanza, the narrator tells how he still speaks ungratefully to his father and then admits his ignorance of his fathers simple love. The father is described as a hardworking man with cracked hands that ached, who woke up on Sundays too in the blueback cold to make banked fires blaze which [drove] out the cold and he would [polish] [the narrators] good shoes as well before waking the rest of the house. But no one ever thanked him for doing such things. From labor in the weekday and with cracked hands that ached from labor it is understood that the father is a working man, possibly a laborer who uses his hands extensively in his field of work leading to the belief that the fathers job is m ost probably a low-income job and as such; Sundays are probably his only day off of work, and so he would be expected to sleep in but he doesnt. The simple phrase Sundays too à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ implies that the fathers actions took place on Sundays as well as on every other day of the week. (Johnson) The father wakes early in the morning in the blueback cold, the father would wake early at his own discomfort so that his son, the narrator, would not have to wake until a certain level of comfort had been attained in the house. Not only that but the father also polishes a pair of the narrators good shoes, showing that he has provided his son with more than one pair of shoes. But then why is it that even after providing such physical luxuries that no one ever thanked him? Why is it that the narrator still speak[s] indifferently to him? Is it because the narrator is an ungrateful son, taking his fathers work for granted? Looking closer, it is realized that it is not only the poet that doesn t ever [thank] him but that NO ONE ever thanked him (Gallagher). As such, the fault is shifted from son to father leading us to believe that there must be something about the way or the reason why the father performs his parental chores that creates or requires the apparent numbness in the speaker, even over the distance of the years. The child is [also] vaguely but certainly aware of the angers of that house, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ because the speaker in the poem does not know when the angers will erupt in the house, he is constantly in a state of terror that makes him speak indifferently to the fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Gallagher) And so the blueblack cold may have another meaning, describing not the physical condition but the sadistic atmosphere of the house and father. The meaning behind the last two lines of Haydens poem; What did I know, what did I know of loves austere and lonely offices? remain somewhat vague, given that they close with a question rather than a definitive statement (Johnson) but they also tie in and close the great hurt of the [authors] recollection. (Gallagher) All of this leads back to the fact that at a younger age, the speaker is in doubt of his fathers love; as a child he presumes that love is expressed in slightly more clear ways. It is not until the speaker has grown considerably older that he realizes that love is not always expressed so visibly, but is often expressed wordlessly and indirectly, and he is then able to find this indirect and silent love in his fathers early morning actions. Though there is still a slightly gloomy mood at the end of the poem there is also a sense of resolution and closing. (Thomson) The speaker in the poem is a man reflecting on his boyhood and his fathers love for him. The speaker tells about his ignorance of his fathers simple love, expressed for him through his fathers early morning gestures. The poems tone shifts continuously throughout the poem, in the beginning the tone changes from a cold, harsh tone to a warmer, more comforting tone by line 6. Although by line 9; the poems tone shifts again to a more negative tenor. The bitter tone depicted in the first stanza is reflected through the blueblack cold[ness] of the house, the Fathers cracked hands and the fact that no one has ever thanked [the father]. By line 7; the house and rooms were warm and the tone has seemed to morph to a more consoling sentiment when the cold [is] splintering, breaking. Although the cold is gone and there is now warmth inside the house, the tone once again changes back to the bitter manner in line 9 when the chronic angers of that house are mentioned. (EE) The bitter tone is carrie d on until the end of the poem but the tone of the poem also takes on a sort of regretful spin when the poet asks in lines 13 14; What did I know, what did I know of loves austere and lonely offices? Hayden uses a great deal of symbolism in his poem, some obvious and others not so much. The very first symbol being winter, mentioned in the title of the poem; Those Winter Sundays. Some use winter to suggest death, as in Robert Frosts Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Some use it to suggest the absence of hope, as in C.S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Wikipedia) Winter births cold and darkness, both referred to in line 2 as the blueblack cold. The cold often symbolizes depression and the darkness almost always symbolizes death and destruction. Symbolism like this helps generate the negative tone the poet is trying to create. The fathers cracked hands symbolize labor and hard work but could also represent sickness or bad health. A final symbol in Haydens poem is the warmth. The warmth is possibly the only positive symbol used throughout the poem. The warmth often stands for happiness and harmony, much the opposite of the cold and darkness. Haydens poem incorporates tremendous meaning into each line of his poem, using varying tone and symbolism to help intensify the implications behind it. Delving into the very core of the meaning of the poem, behind the literal and sub-literal levels, the reader finds that what Hayden is trying to relay is that there are many different kinds of love and that saying I love you is not the only way to show affection but that love can be portrayed in the simplest of actions and through the subtlest of gestures in life.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Organizational Development Essay -- Business, Team Intervention Model
Organizational Development (OD) has become more and more important for today’s organizations because the world is moving so fast that organizations have to find ways to be more effective, more innovation, more customer-driven, and more agile. Cumming and Worley (1997) define organizational development as â€Å"a process that applies a broad range of behavior science knowledge and practices to help organizations build their capacity to change and to achieve greater effectiveness†(p. 1). Therefore, OD will help organizations understand how people act to change and which change methods can work with the resistance to change that usually occurs in organizations undergoing change. As my concentration of SPS program is organizational development, it is important to study Organizational Intervention & Change Implementation in order to know how to operate and make use of change methods that seem to be vital in solving any problems that arise. What I First Learned about the Course In this course, I have learned that the change methods could be divided into four purposes: adaptable, planning, structuring, improving, and supportive (Holman, Devane, & Cady, 2007). In addition to the purpose, Holman, Devane, and Cady (2007) assert that individuals and organizations need to consider type of system, event size, duration, cycle, and practitioner preparation, and special resource needs. Since there are many methods to learn about, the paper of IIMT helped me to deeply understand methods that I thought they were interesting. I chose to study Appreciative Inquiry of adaptable methods, Scenario Thinking of planning methods, Participative Design Workshop of structuring methods, and The Six Sigma Approach of improving methods. In doing this assignment, ... ... experiences and information related with the issues. This was my first time to involve in fishbowl conversation and I found that it was an simple, effective technique to build trust and mutual understanding and to improve the relationship among members. Overall, the study of Organizational Intervention & Change Implementation through reading the book, attending the class, doing assignments such as IIMT and TIMPF, partaking in the process of organizational interventions, and having a fishbowl conversation help me to be very knowledgeable about change models, to effectively work in team, and to gain learning from classmates’ experiences and expertise. More importantly, I have gained ton of confidence in areas where I had little or no experience before. Now, I can have an ability to diagnose an organization’s problems and implement the appropriate change methods.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Kubrick Lives Essays -- essays papers
Kubrick Lives The theory of authorship as applied to film directors is a subject that is argued extensively throughout the film world. The auteur theory was first introduced in the French film journal Cahiers du Cinema. Andrew Sarris who suggested that there are a group of filmmakers who fit into this category brought the theory to America. It states that in order for a director to be considered an auteur, there must be a consistency of style and theme across a number of films. Very few contemporary filmmakers fit into this category. One filmmaker, however, expanded his filmography over four and a half decades, and created a consistent theme and style. That director was Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick was known as a very stylistic filmmaker, so a lot can be said about his film style. His use of music, however, remains the most prominent aspect of Kubrick’s film style, especially as his career progressed. He was a master at using music to evoke feelings and create tension and confusion. The two most prominent examples of the power of music occur in A Clockwork Orange, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. The first of these two films, 2001, was created like a symphony. It had an overture at the beginning, a musical intermission, and an epilogue at the end. The classical work of Richard Strauss, â€Å"Also Spach Zarathustra†, supplies the most recognizable and moving main title theme of the film. The use of this music as well as other classical works including the frolicky â€Å"Blue Danube†by Johann Strauss gives the film a flowing quality that it wouldn’t normally have. Most of the music is light in nature, which contradicts the mystery that is unfolding in space. The beautiful imagery is matched well with the images and the editing to provide an incredible viewing experience. In A Clockwork Orange, Kubrick does virtually the same thing with music, only in a darker way. In the film, Alex is given a treatment that will make him ill when confronted with violence or sex. Unfortunately for him, the films he is forced to watch are scored with Beethoven’s â€Å"Ninth Symphony†, which is Alex’s favorite music. A sense of irony and empathy is created in that by Alex trying to take the easy way out, he is forced to give up the three things he loves most: sex, violence, and Beethoven. His love of music backfires on him once again with his crooning of the song â€Å"Singin’ in the Rain.†In one of... ...d. This solidifies the theme of duality by blatantly showing us the symbols. Style and theme in filmmaking go hand in hand. Stanley Kubrick was a master of using his own personal style to create a series of works, all with very similar themes. He believed strongly in the way music can affect the development of conflict. Every film that he has directed (excluding Spartacus) has a strong music and sound design that makes it undeniably Kubrick. (He didn’t have his usual control over Spartacus). From the lush soundtrack of 2001 to the minimal soundtrack of Dr. Strangelove, we can see that every piece of music has its place and its reason for being there. Even in the trailer for the upcoming Eyes Wide Shut, you can see that music will be an important part of it. Also, because Kubrick deals with the same underlying themes from film to film to film, we can come to understand his thoughts and emotions. The troubled protagonist and the duality of self remained consistent fixtures throughout his career. By seeing these styles and themes surface in Stanley Kubr ick’s work, we can justify designating him a film auteur. It is a shame that we will not be able to watch him grow any further.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Working with Children: Child-Centered Practice
The family institution is an important entity in the society that has implication on the future of children and the nation at large. In order to realize the importance of family institution, the parents and their parenting role should be placed at the centre of success strategy. This realization explains why there is an intense national interest in parenting and the associated societal forces influencing parenting such as child care support organizations and inter-professional bodies that enhances an enabling environment to foster children development. Essential bodies that frequently interact with the parents and their children in their upbringing are: the family, friends and neighbours, professionals, voluntary workers or self-help groups such as Playgroups, and formal organisations for children such as Nurseries, Schools, After-School Clubs, children’s homes, hospitals. Developmental Scholars have established that child’s growth and development is shaped by the environment in terms of total interaction between parenting process and societal forces. The critical role played by societal complex forces and institutions that influences parents and early child rearing practices can not be underestimated but can be evaluated to enhance its effectiveness in developing a healthy and all round future generation. Having a child centered practice means providing care for the children from preconception, prenatal and breastfeeding. Therefore, improving a child care network system invokes addressing issues such as breastfeeding, parent’s time with their children, social and economic challenges of parenting and support services for parents in early child rearing process. In this regard, this paper shall analyse and discuss how to improve children’s lives and provide a plan that reflects inter-professional, collaborative approaches to meeting their needs. In order to achieve paper’s objective, an overview of prenatal and preconception, and breastfeeding child care current practices and their necessary remedies shall be suggested. Introduction Parenting is a challenging topic to scholars and as a result it has received much attention in the recent past owing top its importance to the society’s sustainability. This much received attention received is due to knowledge expansion in fields of behavioral, developmental psychology and neurosciences which have emphasised the importance of child’s early years in children’s long term growth and development in areas of behavior, health and long term learning. In this regard, various scholars and institutions have looked at the issue in detail from various perspectives that are determined by factors that influence process of bring up of children by parent-substitutes or parents . Attkisson (1992) report that the nation realizes many benefits by investing in the children’s early intervention programs welfare. However, the issue of children welfare in relation to their development ought to be understood on a wider concept in terms of societal expression of the families and children. Unfortunately, the public polls clearly indicate that 82% of the adults believe that it is difficult to undergo childhood phase than it used to be in the past decades . While on the parental roles and responsibilities borne by parents, statistics show that most parents face hard times that they need help to successfully raise their children. It is evident that both the family and public sectors have heavily invested in the development of children. An estimated $16,030 is allocated to a child annually that translates to about 14. 47 percent of the GDP . This is just a tip of ice burg in resources allocation because it does not include indirect cost such valuation of the time parents spend caring for their children together with the direct out-of-pocket costs like housing, health care and food . On average, the expenditure ration allocation of child care varies greatly between the private and the public sector with respect to earnings distribution . The major section being supported by the government is that of children education and health care . However, before the children enroll in the elementary schools the responsibility of child care and development is carried by the parents. In the past decades, the child development documentation highlights that the early years of a child have an important bearing on the entire human life. Therefore, to improve child care systems requires a clear understanding of the parental behaviours and the contextual factors that affects the parenting at these early years. In this line of thought, this paper shall look at preconception and prenatal care, and breastfeeding as part of having a healthy children parenting. Preconception and Prenatal Care Most early childhood interventions usually target the children from birth up to five years. In contrary, the child’s bright future should start before birth. tates that prenatal and preconception child care are critical as they play key role in preventing: the risk of low birth weight, birth defects and prematurity problems which in normal circumstances are major attributes that lead to high cases of childhood disabilities and infant mortality . For instance, developmental psychologists report that pregnant women who access adequate prenatal care are likely to give birth to right weight infants as opposed to their counterparts that received inadequate prenatal care who report infants with less weight of about 5. 5 pounds . In addition to that, prenatal and preconception care prop up reduction in risk taking behaviours, provide for parental support and education and healthy behaviours. Moreover, Halfon N et al. (2002) reports that effective and adequate preconception and prenatal child care have a positive impact that extends up to adulthood. Therefore, it is important to be included in the preconception and prenatal child care in construction of the childhood care services. The national child care guideline highlight and emphasizes that the preconception and prenatal practices should be considered as integral part of the parenting and parent care incentives. This because the prenatal care involves a process that identify conditions that can hamper successful child bearing or pregnancy like birth defects but there is an intervention that can ameliorated them before a routine preconception care . Prenatal care can be relied on as a good strategy to prevent most recorded birth defects because most pregnant mothers usually start prenatal care before day seventeen and 56 days after their pregnancy, when the foetus is vulnerable to external effects that can result to birth defects . However, the extent of utilization of the preconception and prenatal care by pregnant mothers has been put to question as many pregnant women exposes foetus to risk during and after pregnancy. Evidently, the study of pregnant women between the age of 18 to 45 by (Gilian 1997) showed that 1in 7 women was underweight, 1 in 4 was an overweight, 1 in 5 was a smoker, 1 in 8 engaged in risky sexual behaviours that lead to contaminating STIs or HIV/AIDS infections, 1 in 15 was alcoholic, and 2 in 5 breastfed their infants after being discharged from hospital. Extend of exposure risk among pregnant women exhibits disparities across the population’s social, class and race. The age group disparities in birth rates show that the teenage birth rate is high in Hispanic with 64 births for 1,000, Africans had 48, and white ladies had 14. On the other hand the rate of infant mortality has relatively declined from 7. 9 per 1,000 from 1997 to 5. 9 in 2004 with most cases reported from low income and middle income families. Additionally, low weight births increased significantly by 6 percent with record of very low birth weight infants at 11percent of an equivalent of less than 3. pounds . However, the African born infants in all circumstances were likely to be twice as heavy as white infants. Available Interventions There are a number of programs that pregnant woman can access in order to actualize prenatal and preconception care for the children. These services include: private insurance for reproductive age women, Medicaid and the Comprehen sive Prenatal Services Program (CPSP) that provides for low income women, Access to Infants and Mothers (AIM) provide low cost insurance cover to middle income women and their infants. Additionally, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grants that funds maternity and prenatal care, Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) aims at educating teenage parents to minimize their chances of conception while increasing their chances of graduation, Migrant and Community Health centers serves and supplements food for low income mothers and their infants reducing infants deaths by 40 percent . Gaps The research reveals that there are still many gaps alongside barriers within the child care networking system. However, understanding the gaps and barriers is necessary to fill these gaps and lower the barriers in order to foster and promote quality early childhood development. Some of the fundamental gaps in child care are: First, lack of the defined framework for administration, funding and service delivery of prenatal and preconception child care for low income pregnant mothers. Second, the insufficient instructional design for parental education that lacks home and car safety, cognitive development in children, new born immunization needs, infant-parent bonding techniques and normal infant behaviours and needs. Third, there is insufficient or costly smoking cessation education which is unaffordable to low income parents that does not meet their needs . And lastly, there is no sufficient efforts geared towards taming domestic violence against pregnant women as statistics reveal that 4 to 8 percent of pregnant parents are physically abused annually causing deformity, diseases and damage to the foetus . Barriers The barriers that are evident to the prenatal and preconception hinders service utilization and as a result the target populations can not benefit it fully . Some of the barriers includes: low valuation of the prenatal and preconception intervention programs by the service providers and expectant mothers. This attitude is believed to be caused by lack of knowledge for expectant mothers and unaware of program benefits by the services providers. The diversity nature of the population need cultural and linguistic competency to dispense child care services of which the nation lacks. Lastly, there is a barrier in terms of service coordination for prenatal care providers and the closely associated programs. Improving prenatal and preconception care. Based on the gaps and barriers, it gives an opportunity to search for possible measures to improve prenatal and preconception child care. It is appoint of worth to note that, it is difficult to do everything for everyone; but if a few priority areas are identified and addressed, then a small input can yield a tangible returns in early child growth and development. The priority areas which need to be improved on include: promotion of outreach incentives in order to encourage pregnant women which have shown positive impact in the past in terms improved access to child care and birth outcomes. Enhancement of service capacity is requiring so that it can serve any increasing number of pregnant women when they show up after outreach campaigns, promotions and awareness. There is need to invest heavily in parenting education by designing and sustaining parenting classes for parents expecting or those with infants with partnership with local agencies and professional bodies. Smoking and alcohol abuse cessation efforts especially to Africans and teens to minimize that risk of exposing foetus to this external hazard . The government and other stake holders should work hard to design policies that aim at arresting domestic violence against pregnant women by use of group counseling, abused women care and prosecution of criminals. Psychological support is needed at each level through development of the family resource centre to provide the population with psychological support and skills for parents in regard to flexible work schedules against responsibilities, child care and paternity leaves for male spouses to support infant growth and development . Enhancement of the services coordination and integration of the system between the early childhood health systems and the reproductive health by: supporting the local effort to enhance capacity, facilitate service coordination and experiment more on prenatal and preconception care to gain better insight . Moreover, there should be adequate funds allocation for research and evaluation of the program in order to feedback to further improve the services. There is need however, to promote cultural competency in services delivery. Lastly, the programs for prenatal and preconception intervention shall be helpful to the pregnant women if there is an additional investment to the program . However, to reframe the prenatal and preconception phases of child care special attention should be given to aspects such prenatal services as being point of entry for other services, service platform such as administrative platform, partnership between obstetrician and pediatrician and the service providers training and sustainability is key. Breastfeeding After prenatal and preconception care as the child is born, the immediate step is the breastfeeding. Gilian, (1997) notes that breastfeeding is not only an important aspect in the sense that it denotes how organized the family is, but also determines the infants initial nutrition and the feeding . Breastfeeding is perceived today as an old age essential behavior for survival purposes of species, its utilization has declined sharply in present century due to cow’s milk formula availability. As a consequence, breastfeeding have not remain to be an automatic behaviour to be exhibited by lactating mother for the child’s survival, but a choice that depends on the family, health system factor and social factors. It should be noted that many families today are reaching a decision to breastfeed the infant though not easy to arrive at as it involves a complex adaptations and decision. Despite the ups and down of arriving at the decision to breastfeed, there are many long term benefits accrued to breast feeding. In fact, the infants that are breastfed usually experiences less chronic and infectious illnesses and shape optimal child growth and development. Therefore, as medical and social practitioners this is an opportunity to adopt, support and sustain this vital health promoting behavior by addressing barriers such as workplace, social and economic factors that hamper breastfeeding . The challenge that is evident as far as breastfeeding is concerned is the sustainability of breastfeeding after the period of six moths after discharge from the hospital; thus many infants fail to get full benefits resulting from breastfeeding. The challenge of breastfeeding has emerged in early 1940s due to introduction of â€Å"formula†or artificial baby milk replacing mother’s milk. As a result, breastfeeding is no longer valued as universal health source for infant’s nutrition. As a consequence of declined breastfeeding culture, three barriers emerge. These barriers are: Lactation management is no longer a serious priority, few nurses and physicians were trained for care and support of breastfeeding and breastfeeding was not recognized as primary choice for infants feeding. Therefore, the decline resulted to elimination of knowledge base and model for pregnant women to use in supporting or teaching breastfeeding. Evidently, these barriers have to be handled at any cost due to the tangible benefits of breastfeeding. Some of the Developmental and Health benefits of breastfeeding are: mother’s milk is a source of complete nutrition for infant’s hydration and optimal growth during the first six months of life. Breastfeeding reduces infectious illnesses such as botulism, meningitis, otitis media and bacteremia . Additionally, there are reduced chances of chronic illnesses that can affect the infant Crohn’s infection, food allergies, SIDS and bottle tooth decay. Provides the needed 30 percent of calories between 1 and 2 years of growth and development ; Infant improves his or her Intelligent Quotient and performance of the developmental assessments and lastly breast milk reduces infant risk of retinopathy of prematurity. The mother through breastfeeding her infant benefits by keeping off chronic diseases such as ovarian cancer, hip fractures and premenopausal breast cancer. Secondly, the lactating mother can quickly recover from childbirth, high self esteem, minimal risk for parental depression, can rapidly return to pregnancy weight and reduces her risks for hemorrhage. Economically, breastfeeding proves to less expensive and reduces health care expenses because there are healthy children’s. Improving breastfeeding Breastfeeding is an important undertaking vital for human race survival. However, communication issues emerges to be one of the most urgently needed to be addressed as breastfeeding is no longer seen on our local or international media such as radio, internet, TVs, magazines, news papers, journals and posters. The media shall play a key role in changing the public attitude towards this important health support activity for infants . Secondly, there is need to invest in lactation management support and services in child care centers and educate parents sufficiently. And thirdly there is need to Integrate and Coordinate Services, Programs, and Funding in breastfeeding to realize a positive impact. This will help to build and develop a strong child-community centered, comprehensive and integrated child care breastfeeding system that can support almost all families. Conclusion In conclusion, the paper ahs discussed elaborately how to improve child care by looking at the preconception and prenatal. Thereafter, the paper has looked at the immediate phase of breastfeeding which need to be addressed if the nation has to keep the infants healthy and fit as future generation. However, the parenting part remains of impact in terms parent-infant interaction. The research shows that the relationship or interaction between the parents and the infant has positive cognitive, social and emotional development effects. In fostering this, the parents should be guided and counseled in relation to making of conscious choice geared towards caring for children over that for job, mothers to have husband support and that of other family allies, work organization, connecting to other social or agencies providers and need for balancing family obligations with that of job are essentials that facilitate successful parenting at advanced infant years of the child.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Wireless Industry
The Wireless Industry in Canada is comprised of establishments engaged in providing telecommunication and/or services over network facilities operated by them. The establishments in the industry can own a network, lease a network, or combined these two facilities (NAICS , 2010). With limited regulatory barriers and availability of mobile technologies, the internal weaknesses of the industry have been overcome by strengths through job creations and investment and the Canadian Market. These internal strengths have led the wireless industry to become what is known as the fastest growing industry in North America and Western Europe. Traditional telecommunication companies are having a hard time increasing their customer base because of regulatory barriers and availability of mobile technologies (Anwar, 2003). Market capitalization poses a weakness to the industry. However, this trend is more noted in the European and Asia market, and has not impacted Canada the same. During the boom times, telecom companies maintained high market capitalization which signify an industry that is dominated by digital and Internet-related markets and surging consumer demand (Anwar, 2003). The wireless industry in Canada contributes $39 billion and roughly 300,000 jobs to the economy (CWTA, 2008). With more than $1 billion invested by Canadian wireless carriers in communication infrastructure each year, Canada has become stronger in the investments in the country and its people. The demand for highly skilled wireless communications specialists is so great that Canadian post-secondary institutions are creating programs specifically geared to the wireless industry. Furthermore, the wireless sector offers high value employment with an average salary level of $59,000, compared to a Canadian average salary of $42,640 (CWTA, 2008). Wireless carriers in Canada now expand their services to 99 percent of Canadians, increasing yearly the mobile phone subscribers (reaching 24 million in September 2010) (CWTA, 2008). Approximately 75 percent of Canadian households have access to a wireless phone, sending approximately 163 million text messages a day. The total wireless revenues in Canada were $16.8 billion in 2009 (CWTA, 2008). With this substantial popularity, the evolution of this market within Canada there are still a wide variety of strengths and weaknesses to be utilized and overcome by those organizations ready to effectively take on the challenge. Despite facing threats from external factors, the wireless industry is continuously evolving, giving it the upper hand, along with many opportunities. Much of the wireless industries success comes from the constant growth of technology, as well as, consumer demands. Through consumer trends such as going green, our accustomed lifestyle filled with convenience, and rapid increase in the mobile network, the wireless industry and its infinite possibilities have become the future of communication. Thus this ever-changing ability to develop and evolve is a major external strength for this industry. But having total creative licence to try and pull ahead of the competition, the possibilities in regards to innovation are endless. Green has become more than just a colour in recent years due to the current trend of becoming environmentally friendly and aware consumers. This has become extremely relevant in the wireless industry since, as mentioned by Anne Leonard in â€Å"The Story of Electronics†, electronics are â€Å"designed for the dump.†(Leonard, 2010) Therefore more garbage means more opportunities for recycling. Not only is this an opportunity to attract and meet consumer demands but, going green in the wireless industry would allow the ability to reuse materials, hence making products less costly. By creating green products, a company would be enabled to remain competitive in their industry to fulfill consumer’s need of convenience, and also environmentally friendly and recognizing the importance of the new consumer attitude. Figure 1: Ericsson Vision by 2020 Source: Ericsson Vision 2020 Time is of the essence and consumers now, more than ever, value convenience and accessibility. This provides the wireless industry the perfect opportunity due to the fact that according to Ericsson, an estimated 50 billion devices will be created by 2020. (Ericsson, 2009) As shown in Figure 1, electronics will overwhelmingly be part of our daily lives whether that is at home, work, or in society as a whole. These rising needs will provide the wireless industry with ample opportunities to create new products, as technology permits. Some specific opportunities may include the simple idea of the ability to communicate closely with your consumers through code scanning, to provide necessary information and by providing mobile services such as mobile coupons, which also ties into the green trend. Figure 2: Wireless Industry Market Share Breakdown Ericsson Vision by 2020 Source: CWTA Wireless Facts and Figures 2010 The wireless industry is an oligopoly, meaning that there are a few major competitors in the market. This is a great opportunity especially with â€Å"wireless being a cash cow for the industry, it has been â€Å"enormously†profitable for Rogers, Bell, and Telus.†(Report: Canadian Consumers Not Seeing Benefits From Wireless Industry Competition, 2010). As demonstrated in Figure 2, Rogers, Bell, and Telus control the majority of the market share and as the industry grows so will their sales Even though individual electronics may have a short life cycle, the overall wireless industry proves to be one of the largest and fastest growing industries. At the same time, this can be seen as a weakness, depending on which corporation you are examining. By not competing effectively with the major players within the market, it can be very easy to fall behind and eventually out of this very profitable industry. In order to keep up with Canada’s rapidly growing wireless industry the need for better regulation and easier entry into the industry is a must. There are 99% of Canadians taking advantage of the coverage offered by wireless carriers (C W T A / A C T S). It is imperative for the growth of the industry that international competitors are allowed into the Canadian market. This weakness could easily be turned into a strength as the wireless industry would benefit from increased regulations among carriers; it will allow for more consistency and will aid in capturing the remaining 1% of the Canadian population. Not only does regulation in the industry create happier consumers but it will also allow for customer loyalty for the existing competitors and drive their sales up. Throughout a geographically diverse nation, Canada boasts one of the highest broadband penetration rates in the world and Canadian companies have learned to provide world-class services, despite the geographical challenges and the smaller population centres. This weakness has already been overcome by the strength within the service and technology of this Canadian industry. By overcoming the difficulties of the geography and dispersed population centres within Canada, quality service is being provided to all, as well as upgraded and maintain on a daily basis by teams of professional staff an other industries working together. Canada also faces challenges within its wireless industry in regards to commercializing innovation and exporting it successfully to international markets. And tying in with this is another weakness of this Canadian Industry, are the limited resources of these small to medium sized enterprises. â€Å"Canadian operators have historically taken a â€Å"smart follower†approach to the commercial deployment of technology†(Kazam Technologies, 2006). Thus the needed resources of people, time and investments that would be required to successfully establish an organization within and international market present many challenges to the industry. The last current strength within the Canadian wireless industry, is the introduction of a new player which has promised to bring its Canadian organization even closer to the major players of Bell, Telus and now Wind Mobile. The major Chinese telecommunications solutions provider has set up its North American headquarters in Markham Ontario, bringing the province a state-of-the-art test lab designed to help improve the telecommunications industry in Canada (Beta, 2011). The organization named Huawei, headquarters currently employs approximately 200 people and will †expand our highly competitive offerings and support capabilities to our key customers in Canada†(Beta, 2011). Through this company’s commitment to strengthening the wireless industry in Canada along with our economy, there are sure to be some major advancements in years to come. There is no doubt that the wireless industry will only continue to grow. Consumers’ demands are an enormous part of the success of this industry and because of this it is absolutely necessary that these companies are paying attention to the constant changes in lifestyles. The extent of this success hinges heavily on the consumers and their wants. Throughout the external analysis of this popular and widely used industry we have mentioned many strengths and weaknesses within the market. Through the careful planning and managing of the concepts in both of these external areas, individual organizations have the potential to flourish and grow within the industry. Bibliography
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
English Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
English Writing - Essay Example The only choices are to ride on it, to suppress it or subvert it. In my case, I have usually been fortunate enough to be able to ride on it. Since my early childhood at study or play I have always been the popular choice whenever the question of leadership came up. I could always be counted upon to start off with things that hadn't been done before and soon have a bunch of other people happily doing the same. A few disagreed, of course, but I was frequently able to win them over, sooner rather than later. I have always been seen as fair, capable and full of common sense. Being a leader has thus become a second nature to me, and my passion. Nothing pleases me more than being able to chart a course for a worthy cause. When I joined school a year back, I was immediately intrigued with the prospect of establishing an International Business Club, the environment seemed ripe for one. I threw up the idea at different forums, and got a positive response. With that vote of confidence I threw all my energies into putting together a club that would harness the potential of students while providing a positive platform for interaction. In the beginning I had few takers for the idea, some thought it was too ambitious, others found it impossible. But I held on, tackling tonnes of club paperwork while still coming to grips with studies.
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