Thursday, November 28, 2019
Soft and Hard Power Essay Example
Soft and Hard Power Essay Soft Power and American Foreign Policy There is a growing anti-American sentiment across the globe. The Eurobarometer showed that Europeans think Americans tend to play a negative role in fighting poverty, protecting environment and maintaining peace. There is growing unpopularity amongst the youth of the world against the US. The US policy makers are not really concerned about this growing unpopularity because there is this notion that America is very strong. Because of this attitude American foreign policy also pays very little attention to soft power. * However, the US needs soft power for three reasons: It cannot tackle the new security threats with old security strategy. Example, while US was able to successfully topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan after 9/11 it was not able to successfully over throw Al-Qeada which has presence in over 60 countries. * Unpopularity and disregard for softpower can have a negative effect on US image, which in turn can reduce its hard power. * In a growing global information age it is very important to have alliance across the globe. If the US keeps emphasizing on hard power it will become difficult for US to find alliances. For example if a Swede hacks into the Pentagon the US needs the help of Sweden to extradite their citizens. However, if relationship with Sweden is not good then it becomes difficult for the US to tackle cyber warfare. In recent times neo-conservatives have taken over foreign policy where they have a desire to spread democracy. However, unlike their predecessors who emphasized on the building international institutions along with democracy promotion, neo-cons want to spread democracy with the use of hard power. According to Joseph Nye this is a wrong strategy. We will write a custom essay sample on Soft and Hard Power specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Soft and Hard Power specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Soft and Hard Power specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However Nye states that all is not lost for the US and it can still overhaul its foreign policy. He suggests: a) Promote more economic development policy focused on the world’s poor. He credits George Bush for emphasizing long term assistance to African poor. b) To build alliance through international institutions. For example, the war in Kosovo had broad legitimacy and actually improved the image of US because US went through the security council where it got an overwhelming majority to go ahead with its plans. In the end Nye states that what the US needs is a Jeffersonian ideology towards foreign policy rather than a Jacksonian one.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Essay about D.A. Shannon
Essay about D.A. Shannon Essay about D.A. Shannon Psychology of the Science REQUIREMENTS PAGE 3 OF 8 Degree Requirements: Overall requirements to complete your degree include completing a minimum of 120 units. At least 42 of those units must be in upper-division (300-400 level) coursework. To graduate you must have a minimum 2.0 GPA in your major, minor, and overall. This page outlines your General Education requirements. Page 4 will review the requirements for the Psychology major. General Education Requirements: Foundations Composition ENGL 101, 107 AND ENGL 102, 108 Or ENGL 109H (along with a 4 or 5 on the AP English exam) Mid-Career Writing Assessment: Fulfilled by an A or B in 2nd semester of English. If you earned a C or lower in your 2nd semester of English, discuss alternate options with your advisor. Math BA: MATH 109C or 112 or higher, see APRR for excluded course numbers BS: MATH 113, 114, 124, 125, or 129 Second Language BA: 4th semester proficiency BS: 2nd semester proficiency Tier 1 Traditions and Cultures-2 courses of different letters (Ex: PHIL160A and HIST160C) Individuals and Societies-2 courses of different letters (Ex: PSY 150A1 and GWS 150B) Fall 2012 requirement term and beyond: Students must take PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology for the Psychology major. PSY 150A1: Structure of Mind & Behavior is a general education class and is considered equivalent to PSY 101 therefore it will not earn you credit for the major or general education requirements. If you are a PSYC major, you should take a _____150A/B/C general education class that is not PSY 150A1. Neither class is required if you have taken the AP Psyc test and earned a score of 4 or 5 or if you have an Introduction to Psychology transfer course. Students in requirement terms prior to Fall 2012: If you took INDV 101: Structure of Mind and Behavior (aka PSY 150A1) or transferred in credit for an approved introductory Psychology class and are using that class as a Tier 1 INDV, you do not need to take PSY 101 for your Psychology major. However, you CANNOT "double-dip" the units for that course in both your general education and your Psychology major. You must have 33 total units of Psychology credit for your Psychology major (36 Psychology credits/units for requirement terms prior to Fall 2008). You will need to take 3 additional units of Psychology credit (of your choice) to replace those units in the major. Your advisor can help you determine which rule applies to you. Natural Sciences-2 courses of different letters (Ex: GEOG170A and BIOL170C)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compensation and Benefit Systems Research Paper
Compensation and Benefit Systems - Research Paper Example Moreover, harsh working conditions that are undergone by Chinese employees who put together Apple products at Foxconn worsen the already deprived compensation system. A survey by FLA (Fair Labour Association) in early 2012 discovered that 64.3% of Apple employees at Foxconn were not content with their compensation because they did not cover their basic needs. Moreover, the same proportion of Apple workers experience difficult work conditions for about 56 hours weekly (Denning 2012). The same FLA investigation discovered that the average monthly salary for unsupervised Apple employees at Foxconn was around $385, which is equal to $4,622 per annum. This compensation system includes salaries from the high rate of overtime hours these employees engage in. It is worth noting that the calculation of this analysis of the yearly salaries of Apple employees at Foxconn presumes that wages over the previous financial quarter represent those received all through the year. As a result, the strate gy might exaggerate incomes for 2013 because they might have increased since and play down incomes for the financial year 2014 because incomes might increase (McRitchie 2015). The compensation system for Apple’s executive or leadership team demonstrates the significant income discrepancy between the Apple C-suite and staffers compensation systems. The table below offers a detailed illustration of the sum of $441 million required in compensation by the team of nine executives comprising Apple’s leadership team in 2011.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
SEXUAL ABUSE Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SEXUAL ABUSE - Coursework Example 2009). The personalities and behaviors of the involved persons often provide important information to the investigators. In order to determine the validity of a sexual abuse report, the available information and evidence is often evaluated. The best source of information is often evidence from sources like statements from eye witnesses, confessions, pictures or videos that depict the abuse. Additionally, conclusive medical and forensic evidence often make the process of case validation very easy. However, this kind of evidence is very rare in child abuse cases, hence the need to derive other means of validation. Hersen & Gross (2008), claim that the majority of child cases often have the statements from the child and other evidence that may be consistent with abuse but does not prove that the abuse actually occurred. The other evidence includes the child’s emotional and behavioral characteristics, indirect medical findings, known contact with the offender, suspect seen by othe rs and objects similar to the descriptions given by the child. In case there is no other evidence, then it becomes very important to examine the statements given by the child in order to validate an abuse report. ... Sexual knowledge or behavior that is developmentally unusual: This suggests that the child has been sexually abused repeatedly and has become used to it Developmentally appropriate language: The language used by the child must be consistent with his or her age to ensure that there is no coaching. Play and gesture indicative of abuse Idiosyncratic detail: The child should be able to recount highly personalized details to add credibility to his or her statement Content of the statement: The details of the child’s statement should be thoroughly analyzed in order to establish consistency The child’s manner and emotional response: The child’s emotions must be captured to establish whether they are real or coached The existence of a motive to fabricate: The assessment should consider the factors that may be behind the child’s motive to fabricate information or be coached to lie The child corrects the interviewer: The instances where the child corrected or failed to agree with the interviewer implies that he or she is paying attention to the session The statement of the offender should be examined for validity 2 Discuss, in detail, the various charging considerations, options, and statutory schemes. In the cases of sexual abuse, the most serious potential charge is often chosen although the prosecutor must prove all the elements of the crime beyond reasonable doubt (Myers, 1997). The nature of the conduct is often significant as it determines whether the offender did it once or repeatedly. The following considerations are often made: Intentional homicide: In the event that the child is murdered, the prosecutor must prove that the perpetrator intended to kill the victim. Knowing
Monday, November 18, 2019
Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Markets - Essay Example Under financial discussions & research, options fall under a particular style or family. Theoretically speaking, the style or the family of options refers to a class that signifies the category into which that particular option comes under. The options are generally verified & studied by analyzing the dates on which these options may be exercised. Such options come under the purview of the European & American Styles. There are many more types of options available. The similarity between all of them is that they come under the 'Vanilla Options' wherein, the options are evaluated on the basis of the payoff. There are also numerous Non-Vanilla options such as the Russian & the Asian options. The proposed research is aimed at studying the various arbitrage options that fall under the Asian option. Under the proposed research, there are a number of issues that are planned to be studied. The first & the foremost would be to perform an analysis & assessment of the various techniques that have been devised for assessing the Asian option. The study of these techniques is very important in order to assess each one for its effectiveness & compare & contrast between all of them for their numerous features & capabilities. ... The reason why this topic is being studied is that though there are numerous techniques available for determining the payback, none of them is able to provide a clear-cut & a fully observable solution. This is because the evaluation of the Partial Differential Equations (PDE) involves a certain degree of adjustments in terms of the areas being evaluated under the integrals that varies with each technique. Nevertheless, numerous options have been devised that tend to improve the degree of efficiency and accuracy with which these options can be worked out.Some of the techniques that are proposed to be covered under the proposed research are discussed below: Roger & Shi's one-dimensional Model: This model is suitable for both fixed & floating Asian options. This method uses the Strike & the average value of a stock over a time period for the evaluation of the PDE. But there are certain problems with this technique that need to be investigated. Jan vecer technique: this method falls under the traded account option wherein the gains & losses from trading are evaluated using a special Partial Differential Equation. The PDE for this model takes into account the rate of reinvestment as well as the trading strategy with the intent of maximizing the price of agreement. Under the Asian option, the payoff is calculated as a function of the stock & the strike value. Monte-Carlo Approach: this approach is adopted when the dimensional space is larger than usual wherein the share of price is evaluated by the Black & Scholes model while the price of an asset has been given Lapeyre & Temam. This model utilized the standard Brownian motion & additionally
Friday, November 15, 2019
Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communication Overview
Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communication Overview Tara Rushdi Haydar Sinar Selahaddin Merdan Rojgar Mewlud Murad Contents (Jump to) Introduction What is GSM? GSM Network Architecture What is Roaming? What is GRAN? Requirement need for building GSM Generation of GSM Conclusion References Introduction GSM is a connection between two people − a caller and the called person – is the basic service of all telephone networks. To apply this service, the network must has ability to set up and maintain a call, which includes some tasks: identifying the called person, determining the location, routing the call, and ensuring that the connection is continued until conversation lasts. After the transaction, the connection is terminated. In a fixed telephone network, providing and managing connections is an easy process, because telephones are connected by wires to the network and their location is permanent from the networks’ point of view. Whereas, in a mobile network, the establishment of a call is more complex task, because it doesn’t have wire and permanent location. It enables the users to move by wireless (radio) connection. What is GSM? GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication and is an open, digital cellular technology transmits mobile voice and data services. It is a digital mobile telephony system that is widely used technology in the world. The GSM market has more than 70 percent of the worlds digital cellular subscribers. The GSM makes use of narrowband Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technique for transmitting signals. The GSM was developed by using digital technology. It has an ability to carry 64 kbps to 120 Mbps of data rates. GSM operates at either the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz frequency band. In Europe, operates in the 900MHz and 1.8GHz bands and in US, operates 1.9GHz and 850MHz bands. The GSM is a circuit-switched system that divides each 200 kHz channel into eight 25 kHz time-slots. Cell phones use GSM network by searching for cell phone towers in the nearby area. GSM carriers have roaming contacts with other GSM carriers and typically cover rural areas more completely. GSM also has the advantage of using SIM (SubscriberIdentityModule) cards. The SIM card, which acts as your digital identity, is tied to your cell phone service carrier’s network rather than to the handset itself. This allows for easy exchange from one phone to another without new cell phone service activation. Today, more than 690 mobile networks provide GSM services across 213 countries and GSM represents 82.4% of all global mobile connections. According to GSM World, there are now more than 2 billion GSM mobile phone users worldwide. GSM World references China as the largest single GSM market, with more than 370 million users, followed by Russia with 145 million, India with 83 million and the USA with 78 million users. GSM network architecture The GSM network is divided into three major systems: The operation and support system (OSS) The switching system (SS) The base station system (BSS)   GSM network architecture The Operation and Support System (OSS) The OSS stands for operation and support system. The function of OSS is that monitors and controls the system. The aim of OSS is that customer cost-effective support for centralized, regional, and local operational and maintenance activities that are needed for a GSM network. An important task of OSS is to ensure a network overview and support the maintenance activities of different operation and maintenance organizations. The Switching System The switching system (SS) is responsible for performing call processing and Subscriber-related functions. The switching system (SS) includes some functional units: Home location register (HLR)â€â€The HLR is a database used for storage and management of subscriptions. The HLR stores permanent data about subscribers, including a subscribers service profile, location information, and activity status. When a person buys a subscription, he/she is registered in the HLR of that operator. Mobile services switching center (MSC)â€â€The MSC performs the telephony switching functions of the system. It controls calls to and from other telephone and data systems. Also, it performs toll ticketing, network interfacing, common channel signaling, and others functions. Visitor location register (VLR)â€â€The VLR is a database that contains temporary information about subscribers that is needed by the MSC in order to service visiting subscribers. The VLR is always integrated with the MSC. When a mobile station roams into a new MSC area, the VLR connected to that MSC will request data about the mobile station from the HLR. Later, if the mobile station makes a call, the VLR will have the information needed for call setup without having to interrogate the HLR each time. Authentication center (AUC)â€â€A unit called the AUC provides authentication and encryption parameters that verify the users identity and ensure the confidentiality of each call. The AUC protects network operators from different types of fraud found in todays cellular world. Equipment identity register (EIR)â€â€The EIR is a database that includes information about the identity of mobile equipment that intercepts calls from stolen, unauthorized, or defective mobile stations. The Base Station System (BSS) All radio-related functions are performed in the BSS, which consists of base station controllers (BSCs) and the base transceiver stations (BTSs). BSCâ€â€The BSC provides all the control functions and physical links between the MSC and BTS. It is a high-capacity switch that provides functions such as handover, cell configuration data, and control of radio frequency (RF) power levels in base transceiver stations. BTSâ€â€The BTS handles the radio interface to the mobile station. The BTS is the radio equipment (transceivers and antennas) needed to Service each cell in the network. BSC controls a group of BTSs. MS MS stands for Mobile Station. It is a combination of terminal equipment and subscriber data. The terminal equipment is called ME (Mobile Equipment) and the subscribers data is stored in a separate module called SIM (Subscriber Identity Module). Therefore, ME + SIM = MS. The SIM card contains an identification number of the user and list of available networks. What is Roaming? Roaming allows a mobile subscriber to automatically make and receive voice calls, send and receive data, or access other services when travelling outside the geographical coverage area of their home network, by means of using a visited network. Roaming is technically supported by mobility management, authentication and billing procedures. Establishing roaming between network operators is based on – and the commercial terms are contained in – dedicated roaming agreements. If the visited network is in the same country as the home network, this is known as national roaming. If the visited network is outside the home country, this is known as international roaming. If the visited network operates on a different technical standard than the home network, this is known as inter-standard roaming. GSM Roaming, which involves roaming between GSM networks, offers the mobile subscriber the convenience of being able to use a single number, a single bill and a single phone. The convenience of GSM Roaming has been a key driver behind the global success of the GSM Platform. The GSMA’s GSM Coverage Maps are a unique resource containing information supplied and approved by the members of the Association. The network, services and roaming information are continually updated to reflect the evolving situation worldwide. Interactive coverage maps, updated quarterly, allow you to navigate to see where exactly you can use your phone. What is GRAN? GRANis an abbreviation of GSMRadio Access Network. It consists of Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) and Base Station Controllers (BSC). Its purpose is to manage the radio link between mobile phones and a telecommunicationcore network. This access network provides access to both Circuit switched (CS) and Packet switched (PS) core networks. Aradio access network(RAN) is part of a mobile telecommunication system. It implements a radio access technology. Conceptually, it resides between devices like a mobile phone, a computer, or any remotely controlled machine and provides connection with its core network (CN). Depending on the standard, mobile phones and other wireless connected devices are varyingly known as user equipment (UE), terminal equipment, mobile station (MS), etc. RAN functionality is typically provided by a silicon chip residing in both the core network as well as the user equipment. Network Management Subsystem (NMS) The Network Management Subsystem (NMS) is the third subsystem of the GSM network in addition to the Network Switching Subsystem (NSS) and Base Station Subsystem (BSS). The purpose of the NMS is to monitor various functions and elements of the network. The operator workstations are connected to the database and communication servers via a Local Area Network (LAN). The database server stores the management information about the network. The communications server takes care of the data communications between the NMS and the equipment in the GSM network known as â€Å"network elements†. These communications are carried over a Data Communications Network (DCN), which connects to the NMS via a router. The functions of the NMS can be divided into three categories: Fault management Configuration management Performance management These functions cover the whole of the GSM network elements from the level of individual BTSs, up to MSCs and HLRs. Fault management The aim of fault management to detect different type of problems then solve them rapidly. Fault management provides the network operator with information about the current status of alarm events and maintains a history database of alarms. The alarms are stored in the NMS database and this database can be searched according to criteria specified by the network operator. Configuration management The purpose of configuration management is to maintain up-to-date information about the operation and configuration status of network elements. Specific configuration functions include the management of the radio network, software and hardware management of the network elements, time synchronization, and security operations. Performance management In performance management, the NMS collects measurement data from individual network elements and stores it in a database. On the basis of these data, the network operator is able to compare the actual performance of the network with the planned performance and detect both good and bad performance areas within the network. Requirement need for building GSM Hardware and software A typical GSM base station, can’t do anything without a suite of components that maintain databases, perform call- switching functions, and so forth. This infrastructure is expensive (typically around $250,000) and complicated to configure, and it needs to be stored in an air-conditioned room. Obviously, that’s impractical in the kinds of places  OpenBTS is designed for. As a result, the system replaces much of the physical infrastructure of the core network with VoIP software–in this case, an open-source program called Asterisk that can be installed on any off-the-shelf PC. IP Connection Cell-phone users on an OpenBTS network can reach each other even if the system isn’t connected to the Internet, but reaching someone outside the network requires an Internet connection. On Niue, the group used five-gigahertz IP radios to link the BTS unit to Telecom Niue’s wired Internet infrastructure, four kilometers away. Burgess says that response time can get a bit sluggish if the Internet connection isn’t very good, but it doesn’t take much bandwidth to make the system functional. Power supply The system deployed on Niue draws about 60 watts of power, supplied by three marine batteries of the type that many locals use on their boats. Because the system’s power requirements are so low, Burgess says, a base station could also run on solar or wind power. GSM handset OpenBTS re-creates the technology behind GSM (the global system for mobile communications), which is used by the majority of mobile phones in the world. Any GSM phone will â€Å"see†an OpenBTS network as a standard cell network and interact with it normally. Antenna Like any cell network, an OpenBTS system requires an antenna to facilitate signaling. Different types of antennas can be used, according to the range the operator wants the network to have. Generation of GSM First generation technology(1G) First-generation mobile systemsused analog transmission for speech services. It offered handover and roaming capabilities, but it was unable to interoperate between countries. So, this is disadvantage of first-generation. Second generation technology(2G) Second generation mobile system used digital transmission. It able to use handover and roaming capabilities. It uses FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA. Third generation technology(3G) Third generation technology has fast data transfer rate. It enables to add services like mobile television, GPS, and video conferencing. Services include a wide area wireless voice telephony, video call, and broadband wireless data, all in mobile environment. Fourth generation technology(4G) Fourth generation technologyhas more bandwidth and services than 3G. The expectation for the 4G technology is the high quality audio/video streaming overend to end Internet Protocol, and work at 100 Mbps for mobile users and upto 1 Gbps over fixed stations. The word â€Å"MAGIC†also refers to 4G wireless technology which stands for Mobile multimedia, Any-where, Global mobility solutions over, integrated wireless and Customized services. Fifth generation technology (5G) Fifth generation technology has changed the means to use cell phones within very high bandwidth, high connectivity, and has extraordinary data capabilities. User never experienced ever before such a high value technology. The 5G technologies include alltype of advanced features which makes5G technology most powerful and in huge demand in near future. 5G technology including camera, MP3 recording, video player, largephone memory ,dialing speed, audio player and much more you never imagine. 5G technology going to be a new mobile revolution in mobile market, so may be incoming days 5G technology takes over the world market. Conclusion Year by year, the GSM system improves and its subscribers increases around the world. It divides into three main parts that are OSS, SS, and BSS. These parts include some important department that manages the system, stores information of users, and another tasks. GSM has ability to roam worldwide and has roaming agreements in place with foreign operators globally. So, users can easily use their same SIM in another cities or countries. GSM network facilitate easier access to cellular and satellite platforms across international lines. Using digital technology, it employs both speech and data channels in its system. In addition, GSM has network management subsystem that detects problems and solves them, maintains information up to date, and detects good and bad performance of a network. References
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Macbeth: Macbeth A Victim of Circumstances :: Free Macbeth Essays
Macbeth: Macbeth A Victim of Circumstances Macbeth, a victim of circumstances or not? He was a victim of circumstances. The witches, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth himself all contribute to the murdering of Duncan. The first of the three major circumstances Macbeth falls victim to is the witches' prediction. The third prediction that the witches make is that he will be king "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!"1. The second of the circumstances is Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth, at first, skillfully pushes Macbeth to murder Duncan by mocking him "Was the hope drunk; Wherein you dressed yourself?"2, doubting his love for her "Such I account thy love,"3 accusing him of cowardice "And live a coward"4. She finally convinced him by pointing out how easy it would be " When Duncan is asleep-"5. Macbeth loved his wife very much and valued her opinion, perhaps too much. The last of the major circumstances is simply himself and what he is deep down. Macbeth has no control over the way he is. It is his vaulting ambition that makes him the way he is. This is why I consider it a circumstance where others may not. Macbeth is weak. He gave in to his evil side by even considering murdering Duncan. We can see him questioning himself in his aside in Act I scene 3 "Why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image ... Are less than horrible imaginings;"6. He cannot seem to be able to control his thoughts. He lets his ambition to become king run a wild. The murder of Duncan is the first and biggest step in Macbeth's moral degradation. From here evil deeds become easier because he feels he has gone too far to turn around. I am in blood; Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.7 Later Macbeth is so hardened by his sins "The time has been my senses would have cooled To here a night-shriek"8 that a woman's shriek does nothing to him. Now, in order for this essay to show that Macbeth is a victim of circumstances I must prove the importance of each major circumstance. Without any one of these reasons I do not believe that Macbeth would have gone through with killing Duncan. If I take away the witches' prediction, Macbeth would never have thought about becoming king. Thus he would not have given even a thought to murdering Duncan. Now, if he never murdered Duncan, he would have had no reasons to have
Monday, November 11, 2019
Analysis Paper: Zinsser’s Book on Writing Essay
How can I, as a writer, balance writing for myself and for my readers without sacrificing the other? That is the question I was struck with while reading Zinsser’s book On Writing Well, and one he presents.In his book, writers are encouraged to adopt a style that is fitting of themselves, yet capture and maintain the attention of readers. What if my style does not capture readers? What if what captures the attention of readers does not do the same for me as I write? Am I stuck wrestling between this paradox of uncertainty or is there a way out? Note to self: NOT writing is not an option. Luckily, Zinsser, who is a writer, editor and teacher, offers solutions in chapters four, five, and nine that I found very helpful and will serve as a guide in future writing assignments. He advises that I eliminate any unnecessary words and keep my language simple. This won’t take away from my style, but enhance it by removing the â€Å"excess or murkiness [that] has crept into [my] style†and obstructs the message I am trying to convey to readers. Style is something that every writer possesses and makes him/her equally unique. So, the first step in capturing my audience while writing for myself is to relax and be myself. Zinsser states: The reader will notice if you are putting on airs. Readers want the person who is talking to them to sound genuine. Therefore a fundamental rule is: be yourself (19). Before writing, I should relieve myself of any pressure to write in a way that feels unnatural, produce an awesome paper that will rock everyone’s socks off, or me et a certain page length. Just sit down, believe in my own identity and opinions, and write! Aside from being myself, the second step is to determine the audience of my paper. A writers’ audience will first and foremost be him/herself. Zinsser continues to reiterate this point of authenticity by saying, â€Å"Don’t try to visualize the great mass audience. There is no such audience – every reader is a different person†¦You are writing primarily to please yourself, and if you go about it with enjoyment you will also entertain the readers who are worth writing for (24).†Oftentimes, I forget about myself when writing in an effort to complete the assignment and give the teacher what I think he/she may be expecting from someone at my educational level. Those assignments have been the ones I least enjoyed writing and/or have been told was missing my voice. By writing in this manner, I have been performing a huge disservice to my audience by not giving them what they need: me. I apologize! Along with expressing my personality, I should not neglect my craft. There is no excuse, as Zinsser states, for sloppy workmanship. I should respect my audience enough to pay close attention to technical details and ensure that their reading process is one of clarity then artistry. Third and final, I should start and end all of my writing assignments with â€Å"freshness, or novelty, or paradox, or humor, or surprise, or with an unusual idea, or an interesting fact, or a question†that will capture my readers (55). Zinsser says that the most important sentence in any article is the first one. If the reader has not been attracted to my subject through that sentence then there are no chances the reader will want to read further. Along with creatively beginning and ending my writing assignment, the information I present must give the reader a sense of purpose while reading. Readers need to know why I have chosen my topic, why they should read it, and be given enough information that leaves them feeling well-informed. As I continue to hone my writing skills and further develop them in other students, I want to carry Zinsser’s central message of authenticity with me. Writing at its best is unique, informative, and â€Å"an intimate transaction between two people, conducted on paper, and it will go well to the extent that it retains its humanity†(20). I want to urge my students to never forget the most essential piece in their writings: themselves. If that is forgotten, then the â€Å"intimate transaction†that is needed between them and their audience will be distant and ineffective.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Fashion Blogs for College Students
Fashion Blogs for College Students College is a special time for young women (and men) when they’ve flown the coop and are on their own for the first time. Being in a different city surrounded by people from all over the country, it’s one of the most influential times for fashion changes in your life. Of course you want to make an impression on your peers and make a statement about who you are as you enter this new world. These blogs can give you the inspiration you’re seeking to explore new trends and find your fashion niche. And, of course, how to do all of that on a student’s budget†¦ College Fashion For the fashion conscious college student who wants to keep up with the latest trends in campus style, this blog will show you how to pull off a pair of pom pom shorts for both day and evening wear, how to make a plaid skirt cool and feed your fashion inspiration with pop culture images from Game of Thrones to Jean-Michel Basquiat. A Beautiful Mess This is the perfect blog for the craftsy, DIY college student. For those who want to make their dorm room not only the place they sleep, but their home away from home, you’ll find lots of tips on budget home dà ©cor such as a home-made tassle rug or wall hanging using only a ball of yarn. In their fashion section a host of DIY fashion tips to set you apart from your classmates. You’ll be the envy of campus with your home-made feather block dress. Missing your pet dog or cat from home? Learn how to make a pair of personalized pajamas with their image on them. Kendi Everyday Want to know how to wear this season’s hottest colors? How about what to wear on your first date with a new beau? And how to double up on denim with a blouse and jeans. Fashionista Kendi brings you her own personal shopping and fashion tips for you to devour at will. Feast on it! Love, Lenore Another personal blog for the young and fashionable, this blog shows you how to get the best styles from shops like Anthropologie, Forever 21, HM and Nordstroms. She offers tips for every kind of fashion situation including weddings, travel and holiday. Her curated wish list will have you saving up for your next shopping experience. Millennielle This blog by fashion expert Coco caters to the tastes of college students and millenials. What to wear to music festivals, how to get the best looks on a student’s budget and the brands with the most enduring fashion status. You can address her with your fashion emergencies and read her tips on how to make the most of modern life. The Houndstooth Straight out of DC, this blog is dedicated to showing off the Capital’s street fashion. One of the few fashion sites for both boys and girls, you’ll get your inspiration from real people who turn heads on the streets of Washington. Necessary Proper This is almost the fashion blog equivalent of the show Mad Men, with photos and articles that promote the high life of successful men and women. You’ll learn how to rub elbows with high society at polo matches and how to mix the perfect cocktail, all while looking your absolute best next to your beau in khakis (or a tartan) and you in your grandmother’s pearls. I Spy DIY If you live to create your own look with DIY projects, this is the blog for you. Lots of inspiration on how to personalize your denim jacket to how to make the perfect spring dress, to how to make versatile earrings for any outfit. Get inspiration for looks you can’t buy in a store. The Budget Babe As promised by the blog title, this site will show you how to find the look you want without having to drop the cash you don’t have. You’ll learn how to find discount versions of big label trends, where to shop and how to throw together a complete look for less. Whether your style inspiration comes from the Hamptons or the streets of DC, whether you like brand names or prefer to DIY, this list of blogs has it all for today’s college student. Happy shopping!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Future World †English Composition Informal Essay
The Future World – English Composition Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers The Future World English Composition Informal Essay People have been thinking of all kinds of futures, and I have no exception. Always, people imagine that the future is totally great, but in fact, there will still be many problems in all aspects. So sometimes I think of the past, too. Maybe in the past, the life was also great in some way. Thus, I often think of the past and imagine what the world will be like in the future. When it comes to the future, I often think that is a convenient world. Many things will be invented and used for convenience. The means of transportation will be greatly changed. For instance, people will drive the small vehicles which have wings with them so they could fly high. Moreover, some kinds of the vehicles even have the jet engines so they could also fly fast like jet planes. Everybody wants to have one because it is cool when you drive it go and from school or work, but you must get the license first. So some people may choose other ways. One is the magnetic train. In the cities, there will often be many cars flying over your head during rush hours. In this situation, you must not want to fly your car into the terrible mess. What should you do? You can take the magnetic train. It floats on the air by magnetic force so there is no friction between the train and the ground; therefore, it can be very fast and people like to take a long distance trip by the magnetic train as w ell as a short one. And what kind of energy will people use in the future? Gasoline? Electricity? No. I think the most possible energy for using in the future is solar energy. Because the energy we use now will be run out of in the future such as gas, gasoline, and coal. They all are fuels. It means that if you want to get energy from them, you must burn them first. Thus, you can get what you want, but also, they cause air pollutions. So the best way to get energy is solar system. We cannot use sunlight directly, but we can turn it into some kind of energy which can be used like electricity. Besides, in the whole process, it would not cause any pollution. That is why future people will use it as the best energy resource. And I think they will improve the system over and over to make the most use of it. However, in the past, at least in my parents’ childhood, what people used the most were their â€Å"feet.†It was slower, though, it was also good. You got nothing to worry about because you just walked. When you walked you could feel more about nature. So, even now I also like to take a stroll when I have free time. I can see trees, flowers beside the path and listen to birds singing in the grove. Nowadays, people have been thinking how great the future will be, but it’s more important to think what we can do now. Because no matter how great the future will be, it is we that will make it out. As the saying goes well, â€Å"Acts speak louder than words.†Remember not to keep on imagining. Otherwise, all you imagine will turn out to be illusion and remains nothing. Research Papers on The Future World - English Composition Informal EssayLifes What IfsBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Spring and AutumnPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAWThe Hockey GameIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalCapital PunishmentBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
Monday, November 4, 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
English - Essay Example American foreign policy has transformed to one that shifted from the traditional conservatism, to a modern liberalism that takes a keen interest in world affairs. It is also vital to note that, as a global superpower, it would be questionable for the USA to take a back seat at what is happening on the global scene... Introduction United States of America has come a long way from dealing with internal issues to one that is now a global superpower. This power is in terms of its advancement in technology, political ideology, military, culture, and society in general. Any sober mind would observe that all these were advancement the US earned after a bitter struggle by scientists, technologists, men and women in uniform and every sector of the United States. Hard work, dedication, vision and the desire to be the very best were some of the values that laid the foundation for such impressive achievements (Brooks et al., 2003). Accordingly, such advancements accelerated the shift from an iso lationist foreign policy to the current global force that the federation has earned. The years immediately after the 1865 were probably the foundation years in which unfolding events of the world put the country’s military capability to test (Arthur et al., 2007). Pockets of war that ensued after the 1865 civil war were Japan conflicts, Colombia hostilities, Uruguay conflicts, Formosa conflicts, Nicaragua and China conflicts (Arthur et al., 2007). The US responded with military action, in many cases, to protect her interests in the conflicting countries. Such conflicts were particular of smaller magnitude given that a lot of military involvement later followed that redefined the strength of the US in newer terms. Most importantly, it appears that the engagement of wars that followed later were what actually defined the position of the US in the global map in as a military power and as a leading global ideologist. These wars were the First World War, the Second World War, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, Eastern Europe wars, the Gulf war and the Middle East wars. Entering all of these wars was a test for what the United States believed in in terms of right of nations to liberty, free determination of the masses, playing neutral in external aggressions and foreign policy of non-interference with European affair. Without knowing, such wars were silently laying the foundation for a change from Isolationist policy to a new one where the United States had to be worried about the forces that surrounded her in the larger volatile world. In essence, wars and political ideologies resulted in the transition from an isolationist foreign policy, in America, to one in which the nation is now a global superpower (Arthur et al., 2007). The United States embarked on this course staring with her involvement in the WWI after the Zimmerman telegram and German’s blatant disrespect to neutral shipping (Winkler, 2000). The Road to Global Superpower When the WWI broke out in 1914, the United States policy of non-interference with European affairs kept her at bay. The war began with factions such as the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. Fought on Europe soil predominantly, the war saw Britain, France and Russia rise in arms against offensive from German, Austria-Hungary and Italy. The US
Friday, November 1, 2019
Journal Responce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Journal Responce - Essay Example King supports the argument stating that civil disobedience is one of the main tools used by historical figures and nations to protect and justify their rights and freedom. "There is nothing new about this kind of disobedience" (p.5). Stating a thesis, King uses historical information to attract listeners attention at once. The author shows that Americans should be free from segregation and racial discrimination using direct actions, because "freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor" (p.3). The argument is aimed to persuade and convince its audience of the truth of his statement explaining that non-violent civil disobedience have deep historical roots and closely connected with human rights movements. King attempts to persuade listeners that all people are equal and racial discrimination is based on unjust laws which should be eliminated. King uses definitional arguments to explain just and unjust laws. He explains that segregation laws are unjust laws: "Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all" (p.4). These arguments are crucial for the speech because they explain to unprepared listeners principles and social rules of a free society and equal rights. Definitional arguments help listeners to grasp the idea at once and inform them about legal rules and principles of social justice. It
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