Monday, September 30, 2019
Beautiful Boy Application Essay
He kept experimenting with more drugs and finally Crystal Meth. To be honest I think that he may have never developed the full capacity for formal reasoning. He also had a lot of different environmental and cultural influences that had a huge impact on him. Certain things would lead him towards the path of drugs, and he couldn’t reason to himself differently. â€Å"Now I am in my own program to recover from my addiction to [Nic’s addiction]†(p. 305). I feel like that is a good example of how â€Å"logical†his reasoning really is. 2. Apply the concepts of Erikson Theory to Nic’s Development. At age 4 Nic’s parents got divorced. That was during the Preschool stage, where the conflict is Initiative vs. Guilt. In this stage children need to begin asserting control and power over their environment. Nic was doing well in this stage and the school age stage as well. His grades well good, he had friends and was active and involved in sports. His father thought that Nic was coping well because he was doing so well in school and playing sports. â€Å"Nic was excelling in school and I could have been happier. (30) However related to Preschool stage – Nic was able to control his grades, and his activities therefore he was about to successfully show his power. However, at age 12 Nic’s father found pot in Nic’s back pack. This is the adolescence stage where the conflict is Identity vs. Role Confusion. This is where teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads t o an ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self. Well Nic was not successful and true to himself because by the age 18 he had experimented with many other drugs and was on looking towards Crystal Meth. At this point, he has lost his true identity and is going off track. Going into his Young Adulthood he was already strong on Meth. He became more and more into the drug; everyday losing more of himself and hurting his family. The vicious cycle never seemed to end. 3. Apply Family Systems theory to the Sheff family. What concepts are evident in their interactions? â€Å"We are dysfunctional†¦I’m not sure if I know any ‘functional’ families, if functional means a family without difficult times and members who don’t have a full range of problems. (14) The Sheff family was dysfunctional, but also considering all the challenged and obstacles they went through with Nic that can cause a strain, which would certainly not result in normal functional family. And I would have to agree with David – I don’t know if I know any â€Å"functional families. †Nic certainly was the most difficult member in the family. Calls to the hospitals and long nights wondering if Nic was OK are things his dad became very familiar with. When Nic was on the street, his dad would drive around looking for him, hoping to find him and get him help. That would cause strain on any family. His father tried to instill family roles and family rules and boundaries; however Nic would always end up on his own path –Crystal Meth. The family roles were very unclear. Did anybody even really know the real Nic? (probably not) Also, there was really never any consistency in the family. I mean the father would try his best but things always would get off track when it came to Nic and Meth. What was consistent was the â€Å"typical behaviors†and â€Å"the way it is†that the family became accustom too. Nic’s lie, stealing, and using. To me it seemed like the family was slowly disconnecting. Families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals; none can be understood when isolated from the family. â€Å"(pp) 4. What characteristics of resilience do you see in Nic? * He valued learning and he had excelled at writing. * I believe that he did have positive relationships with caring adults when he was in the right state of mind. * He also d id have problem solving skills. â€Å"Now I am in my own program to recover from my addiction to [Nic’s addiction]†(p. 305). He did not always make the best choice but when not on meth he could. * He did like to help others – especially his family when he was on the right path.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Dulce et Decorum Est †Wilfred Owen’s Poem Essay
Dulce et Decorum Est – Wilfred Owen’s renowned war poem for its frowning on the glorification on war, and The Last Night by Charlotte Gray, similarly depicting the effects of war on the unimpeachable youth, in prose form. Both are excellent representations of the devastation that war truly is and can only result in, and are both written in historical context, only Dulce et Decorum preceded the latter. Dulce directly juxtaposed another war poet, Jessie Pope, who romanticized the concept of it and really manipulated the patriotic conscience. The irony here is that the even after the former described the trauma that war produced, and the unacceptable manner in how people revered the act, the world went on to WWII. Which almost questions why did it happen, did not the destruction of the previous war play any guilt or effect on the countries’ leaders? Over the course of this essay, I aim to reveal the physical and mental effects of war – as well as covering the idealism and the theme of slaughtering the innocents. In the beginning verse of Dulce, the author plays upon the image of a man walking. Contrastive to the propagandizing posters that were often seen at the time that rendered an erect, striding man holding a gun confidently- a picture of tired, old men is illustrated, which emphasizes the idea that they have aged far too quickly. â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars†and â€Å"knock-kneed†delineate a pigeon-toed figure suffering from pure fatigue –an inadequacy to be what is defined as a soldier. In the simile, â€Å"Coughing like hags, we cursed†, we can hear the witch hoarseness of the cough – the enigma here is the build-up this state if they have been simply marching through battles, like Jessie Pope presumed. A sense of utter sensory deprivation is conveyed through, â€Å"Men marched asleep†¦ limped on, lame, all tired, drunk with fatigue, deaf even to the hoots.†The immediate assumption here is that the men would, if given the choice, collapse in a heap of discomfort, subconscious, and fall asleep. The fact that they are compared to drunken men only accentuates their circumstance, a probable disparity between when they started out as recruits and this moment in the poem. They conjured up a web of deception, and empathy from us, as well as in The Last Night, when the children rest in deep sleep despite the appalling environment – really showing their desperation for a moment of peace. The accumulation of all of this is that war has finally taken its toll, the young men evolving  or more appropriately, regressing  into haggard and withered creatures that have faced acute pain and loss. However, the change in pace within the stanza is evident – when faced by death, we experience â€Å"an ecstasy of fumbling†, and this change in speed exposes their anxieties when in the full, frontal face of death, or perhaps the inexplicable torment of a gas attack, as they have seen their peers die in the hands of it before. As they â€Å"fumble†– stressing the urgency of the situation – not everybody manages to clamber on a gas mask in time. The poem is told from a first-person perspective, although this is not made clear at first, however, this allows us to interpret it from a first-hand simulation. The inevitability of the gas floating towards them like a death sentence is horrific -one soldier inhales it, and the devastating effects described in detail. We watch helplessly at him â€Å"flound’ring like a man in fire or lime†, which links to burnings at the stake, arguably the worst torture in existence. We see his eyes writhe in his face, a clear connotation of a loon, suggesting he is in an insane, maniacal state. And then â€Å"his hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin.†, only serves to show how much pain has been delivered. The men then â€Å"fling†him in a wagon which shows the dehumanization of the moment, and they watch him froth and gargle blood, twisting unnaturally. â€Å"The incurable sores†is exactly what it says, incurable. The physical effects are irrevocable, physically and mentally. Through use of emotive metaphors and similes, Owen molds an indubitably sickening portrayal of a suffering man, introducing the readers to the realities of war. Likewise, The Last Night also paints a picture of suffering, but in a far subtler manner. Unlike the soldiers in Dulce, the fate of these innocent, Jewish children is unavoidable for everyone, thus having a certain sadness to it. They have been sentenced to the gas chambers as well, and we can deduce that they will face like pain to the soldier in the previous paragraph, which, for a child, we all know is terrifying and never deserved. The pain we encounter in this extract is more that of basic deprivations, like food, water, and love too. We can understand that the children are exhausted because, despite the most likely uncomfortable surroundings, â€Å"many of the children were too deeply asleep to be aroused.†The children sleep in dung: â€Å"the soft bloom of cheek laid, uncaring†, shows a child with a tinge of rose in his cheeks, the sweetness and the unfairness of this trial he must endure. Again, they are reduced to an animalistic level, â€Å"Jacob’s limbs were intertwined with his [his brother’s] for warmth.†; this imitates two young, baby animals that lie together, unknowing of the world’s cruelties or the predators that stalk them. The children are ravenous and denied of sufficient food and drink, as they cluster around a woman â€Å"holding out sardine cans†for water, and as we know, these cans are remarkably slim and unsuitable to drink water from, especially when the can is passed around of a crowd. They are each provided with a sandwich, this severe rationing a punishment they do not deserve. The physical pain that is shown in this section of The Last Night is purely tiredness and hunger, two qualities good parents ensure their children are not. Their frail bodies find it difficult to withstand this, but the dramatic irony here is that their fate in store is much worse and absolutely inhumane. â€Å"A shower of scraps was thrown towards them†reiterates the animals they are being essentially treated as. As for the mental pain faced by the soldiers, it must surpass the physical by far. From the lies, to leaving their loved ones, the pain and the distant memories are even more difficult to face. Homesickness, when really experienced, can be a very intense and sad feeling, and this does not really raise any morale. One can only imagine their befuddlement when arriving to the trenches and wondering where their accommodation was. As continued from the previous, their mental velocity increased tremendously when in the face of adversity and death. This can only be expected, and is marked by the â€Å"Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!†. The mental anguish when they see their peer suffer but are utterly of no use in this is astounding, and the scene runs almost as a nightmarish sequence, as signified by â€Å"Dim through the misty panes, and thick green light. In all my dreams before my helpless sight.†. The dramatic verb drown is used, and they watch their former companion die in the sea of gas, they having escaped the same fate by only a second or two. This fact is enough to leave them in a state of momentary shock, and in the future, a play back of this episode is probably revisited by every soldier who saw the sight and regretted having being unable to help him in any way – the same shock was experienced when all the Jews realized their time had come: â€Å"a quickening of muscle and nerve†in The Last Night. Through each line, we must remember whom the poem was addressed to, and we can sense some underlying bitterness. The triplet â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning†throws itself out with a dynamic impact. It wouldn’t be expected for the children to know of their demise, but as seen in the excerpt, they seem to sense something wrong. This is why â€Å"In the filthy straw, they dug their heels in and screamed.†Instead of just struggling, they choose to scream, which reveals their internal uncertainties and distress. The metaphor â€Å"dig†means they are trying to fix themselves in the straw, and how they distrust the officers. They are forced towards and â€Å"crammed†in a bus, which again, brings back the animal-like treatment motif. As the adults wrote their possibly last messages which had no to little guarantee of delivery, â€Å"some wrote with sobbing passion and some with punctilious care.†Both adjectives suggest a degree of great mental turmoil, the only difference being the latter having some restraint. Yet there is a recognition of hopelessness in the atmosphere, â€Å"the adults in the room sat slumped against the wall.†, the emotions going through them must have been complex, but ultimately, an increasing feel of nothing can be done, and giving up. This is not a movie where the resolution magically occurs, but this is a depiction of reality. As the officers call out their names â€Å"alphabetically†, in a standardized order, this shows how devoid of emotion or remorse they are, and how each child and each person is reduced to just another name. There is a nervous and tense atmosphere, it seems as if everybody is waiting for some justice to occur, but as we know, this does not happen. They are quickly thrown into the buses, â€Å"the homely sound of a Parisian bus†is somehow mocking to the whole scene. Probably the most heart-rending image is when a mother sees her child for the last time†¦ â€Å"her eyes were fixed with terrible ferocity†¦ intensely open to fix the picture of her child, for ever.†To see your child for the last time, to know of the death, to be able to do nothing about it, as in Dulce, there is the same sense of no faith or hope. The wails and screams of the women as they throw food towards the buses from the camp – knowing the food will never reach, but desperately wanting to do something anyhow – is the final time they will ever see their maternal figures, and the children are, precisely put, doomed. The fact that none of the officers act even merely touched by their fellow humans’ sadness is repulsive. â€Å"Five municipal buses now stood trembling in the corner of the yard†– the buses are personified, which is a symbolic representation of their fear. The story concludes with the bus turning away, â€Å"the headlights, for a moment, light up the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ opposite before the driver turned the wheel and headed for the station.†This glimpse of something perfectly normal spotlights the unfairness of it all on the children – who at one time, had that ‘other life’. The theme of glory and innocence is well covered in Dulce. In fact, the title is sufficient, To die for your country, is a sweet thing. The poem runs on to contradict it, ending with, â€Å"The old lie: Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Patria Mori.†And we are forced to agree, having been witness to the preceding bloodshed. â€Å"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs†¦ thy friend, you could not tell with such high zest, to children ardent for some desperate glory, The Old Lie:†, this quotation sums up all the contempt he has for any form of glorification of war, when really it is one’s own sacrifice rather than an obligation. It has a tinge of instruction to it, almost as if he trying to convince her in an angry, forceful way, and if he said it verbally, it seems as if it would increase with volume. This is quite justified, as Jessie Pope idealized war as fun, and liked it to a game, and that anybody who ‘chickened’ out was basically a coward. This induced such an outrage that Owen felt he needed to prove how nauseating the concept was. He addresses the soldiers as â€Å"children†, which somehow brings out their naivety and how easy it is to convince – adults generally lie to children in order to mask the truth. The young men were obviously targeted for recruiting and decided to join more out of fear of mockery rather than pure patriotism. The concept of innocence in The Last Night is brought up quite often, the youngness of the children is stressed upon. For example, â€Å"Some children were too small to manage the step up†and â€Å"A baby few weeks†¦ cot was crammed into the bus.†If the children are too small to even step onto the bus themselves, and require support, and they really criminals – or infested jews? They are too young to even know the reason for their death, and as soon as they came into this world, they were stolen just as quickly. They have no ability to reason, no ability to know of the dangers, no ability to believe in anything, yet simply because of their religion – something they are most likely unaware of – they have been sentenced to die and never experience any of life’s pleasures. If they haven’t learnt simple motor skills, how can they be expected to react to a gas attack? The pure horror of it can never be condensed – it is like t hose horror stories materialized. Dulce and The Last Night are both classic pieces of history, genuine and likely more realistic records of those corrupt events that hopefully will not happen ever again. They are both timeless, and dark reminders of why war shouldn’t happen, although pain is still inflicted, every second. These two pieces are a reminder that pain can never truly be prevented as that is how a few are wired to work – and these few have the power to influnce many others. However, the main point the pieces try to bridge across is the innocence of the fighters – who are more like pawns or victims – and the superfluous glorification of war. Something that pains another should never be laughed or promoted in any form, as fundamentally, we are one species, we are the same, as Shylock in the Merchant of Venice so eloquently expressed. The quotation â€Å"Do unto others as others would do unto you,†applies to both concepts the writers try to draw, but in the end, the sadness in both renditions of war is the dehumanization and of course, the gruesome massacres, but mostly, the indifference. The indifference of the bystanders as well as the leaders.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Critique of the Ethical Issue Essay
Every profession is subject to different ethical considerations. In response, professions present code of conduct to their employees to guide their behavior in the organization. Formal ethical training is also held to make the employees aware of different ethical issues. Ethical decision making process enable the workforce to handle every ethical issue and prevents them from making any ethical lapses whatsoever. US healthcare system comprises many branches that offer unique health related services to clients. Furthermore the healthcare is split into a hierarchical setup which starts from nursing to the top physicians. Each individual related to the US health care has to undergo a lot of training and education before he/she is authorized to discharge any duty. A fundamental part of this coaching involves ethical training which guides the employees ways and means of dealing with different ethical problems. Conflicts faced by the healthcare are of many types. To start with, physicians fail to work as a team with nurses. Sometimes nurses do not understand their roles and discharge their duties improperly. Other kinds of conflicts involve patients. These conflicts can usually become very serious and can even become unlawful in nature. Articulating the Problem The ethical conflict that arose in my studies involved a doctor and his patient. Jimmy suffered from high fever and he decided to go to a new doctor, Dr. Bill, as his general physician was out of town on vacation. Jimmy reported all his conditions to Dr. Bill. Dr. Bill made some notes and then warned him that he might be in fear of suffering from typhoid (a severe form of fever). Jimmy was very shocked to hear this. The doctor further added that it would be better for Jimmy to remain in hospital care for at least two days before his condition improved. He also asked him to run some tests which would be needed to clearly diagnose his sickness. When Jimmy heard of the high amount they were charging him, he was highly shocked and left the clinic. Jimmy called his physician up and informed him of the entire issue. Dr. Andrew told him to get a check-up from another doctor who was his friend. Jimmy went there and after the checkup, he received another surprise upon hearing that the fever was not serious and he’d be perfect in two days. He was given some prescription which he was to take. In two days time, Jimmy perfectly recovered from his fever and, by then, realized how Dr. Bill had tried to deceive him into getting the tests and hospital care in order to make more money. The event is, by all means, shocking and unethical. Dr. Bill and those of his like are ruining the sanctity of the medical profession by converting it into any other business profession. It is certainly not unethical to offer your services and expertise to others in return for money. However, intimidating patients by telling them of symptoms which, in fact, they do not possess is certainly very unethical. This trend is quickly spreading everywhere, especially online. After doing some research, the author found that there are many health care services which are presently being offered online. Though some of these setups are highly professional in nature and offer very effective services online, the rest are merely scammers. What’s more problematic is that individuals do not know how expert the physician is in his/her respective field. Looked at it this way, we’re all in a big risk whenever we decide to get ourselves checked up from a new doctor. As far as the scammers are concerned, their deceptive marketing campaigns allure the sick and the injured into asking for help. They make false claims that their products will change their lives or make them better. By the time the poor people find out that they’ve been deceived, it is too late to do anything because such institutions and individuals protect themselves through different legislations of the law. Gathering Data After thorough research and data collection, the author has come up with following important ways of checking the credentials as well as ratings of a physician along with ways of preventing health care frauds. 1. Information about doctor’s experience and training is obtained from his office or local medical society in which the doctor is a member. 2. There are some state licensing boards that also issue information about disciplinary actions taken against a particular physician. However, it is not very easy to get information from there. 3. American Medical Association’s AMA Physicians Select offers information on training and certification of all the medical and osteopathic physicians who are currently holding a license in the US. However, disciplinary actions are not included with them. 4. American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Certified Doctor Verification Service can also be utilized to check whether the physician is certified by one or the 24 recognized specialty boards. The service is free of charge. 5. Googling out for more info is also not a bad idea. You will find several options wherein to check the report/credibility of a physician. 6. There are several government sources which may be used to obtain information relating to disciplinary action. Of these, the two most important sources are the National Practitioner Data Bank and the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank. 7. Many clinics and hospitals also offer options to check their doctors’ credentials. However, this is not a good idea because hospitals would never reveal that any one of their doctors is of low quality. Exploring Strategies It is, indeed, very difficult to carve a strategy that would clearly identify and tackle the above situation. Practical issues of these kinds are indeed very different from theoretical knowledge that is offered in books. However, following procedures may help prevent such situations in future. From Profession’s perspective 1. Establishing a federal committee on healthcare fraud prevention, and having it carry out a detailed wipe-out of all such fraudulent institutions and individuals 2. Exercise rigorous ethical training program, stressing the consequences of deceiving and holding the truth in the medical profession 3. Conducting regular external audits on different health care facilities, with an aim to identify the scammers 4. Publicizing and penalizing doctors who conduct such activities From Patient’s Perspective 1. Organizing a wide marketing campaign instructing the individuals to be wary of such scammers 2. Avoiding new doctors 3. Fixing the medical charges offered at various institutions, so the competition is not price-based but quality based. 4. Having another review with another physician if instructed to undergo very expensive treatment. Implementing the Strategy In order to implement the above discussed strategy, the following needs to be done: 1. Give the event a wide coverage on popular media 2. Create mass-awareness through the media 3. Instruct masses to avoid online health care facilities as much as possible unless they know the physician personally. 4. Write to the American Medical Association and other medical authorities, asking them to address the issue on federal level. 5. Increasing word-of-mouth, and making all such frauds public 6. Conducting nation-wide survey of physicians’ credentials Evaluating the Outcomes Implementing the above strategy would have the following pros and cons: Pros 1. Efficient and appropriate health care only by physicians who have sound credentials and ratings 2. Lesser frauds and scams in the health care 3. Better opportunities for physicians who’ve worked their way up 4. An overall better impact on the health of US nationals 5. Better medical infrastructure Cons 1. High investment is required to create the mass-awareness 2. It is not possible to identify every physician who is conducting fraud 3. It is difficult to decide whether a physician is diagnosing a patient sincerely or not as different physicians come up with different diagnosis measures REFERENCES Percival, Thomas. Medical ethics. (pp. 49–57) from http://books. google. com/books? id=yVUEAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=medical+ethics&as_brr=1&ie=ISO-8859-1#PPA52,M1. Walter, Klein (ed). The Story of Bioethics: From seminal works to contemporary explorations Jordan, M. C. (1998). Ethics manual. Fourth edition. American College of Physicians (pp. 23-30) Beauchamp, Tom L. , Childress, James F. (2001). Principles of Biomedical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. Margaret A. Burkhardt, Alvita Nathaniel (2007) Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing
Friday, September 27, 2019
Court case convictions because of fingerprints Essay
Court case convictions because of fingerprints - Essay Example Fingerprinting has been proved to be immensely beneficial to investigators all over the world to nail murders, thieves and law abusers based on latent fingerprints unknowingly left by the perpetrators or criminals. DNA fingerprinting is proved to be the best flawless identification system and as such it has played a pivotal role in solving many controversial court cases such as the Farrow case, Thomas Jennings case, The Mona Lisa case, and the Brandon Mayfield case. There have also been instances in history where DNA fingerprinting error has caused innocent persons to be treated as culprits as in the case of Brandon Mayfield. This paper analyses these four cases in detail to see why DNA fingerprinting was so important in these cases and in doing so the paper also seeks to explore the various advantages of DNA fingerprinting. The Farrow case involving the Stratton Brothers was the first case determined by DNA fingerprinting in London. On March 27, 1905 Thomas Farrow was found dead in his paint shop and a few days later his wife, Ann also died. Even though robbery was identified as the motive for the crime it was very difficult for the Scotland Yard men to make any quick progresses in the case. Two masks were discovered from the spot and the Scotland Yard after their preliminary investigation identified the murderers as the Stratton brothers- Albert and Alfred Stratton. However, there were no solid evidence against the brothers rather than circumstantial evidences and the description given by milkman Henry Jennings. It is at this juncture that a clear fingerprint on Farrow's cash box found in the shop became crucial. The fingerprint was thoroughly examined by detective inspector Charles Collins, one of the founding members of the Scotland Yard's Fingerprint Branch in 1901. He ‘rolled their fingers on the inkpad’ and â€Å"the fingerprint on the tray matched Albert's right thumb to perfection†(Gurdoglanyan, 2011). Collins played a crucial role in convincing the jury of the points of similarities among the fingerprints. The trial history of the case makes it clear that the brothers could have escaped capital punishment if the fingerprint evidence could not be proven. During the trial, the milkman could not identify the Stratton brothers and the fingerprint evidence was ‘the prosecution's only solid evidence’ in the case (Fingerprint evidence is used to solve a British murder case, 2012). Thus, this DNA fingerprinting proved to be crucial in the case and both the brothers were convicted as murderers. The Thomas Jennings case was the first case to be determined based on fingerprint evidence in the United States. The case of Thomas Jennings took place in 1910 and the fingerprint testimony played a crucial role in the final verdict of the murder case. Mr. Hiller was shot dead during his combat with the murderer, Thomas Jennings in 1910. The fact that Jennings had left four fingerprints of his left hand on the rai lings at the rear kitchen window through which he entered the home of the Hillers became a solid evidence and turning point in the case. During the trial, fingerprint expert William M. Evans of the PDBI could prove beyond doubt that the fingerprints on the railings belonged to Jennings alone and this prompted the appeal court to affirm the verdict of the jury to offer him capital punishment
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Main Selling Point of Globalization and E-Commerce Research Paper
The Main Selling Point of Globalization and E-Commerce - Research Paper Example Among all the developments today in globalization, it is the explosion of retail channels that are fueling the most excitement. The idea of being able to sell to the whole world is the main selling point of globalization and e-commerce however retailers are now realizing the constraints of these expanded channels. With the deluge of buyers and the stress on the company’s selling infrastructure, there is a need to evaluate and redevelop retail management policies. Fashion retailing whether online or not and whether selling globally or not are among the industries that need to asses its position and strategies. Since the industry usually entails actual perusal of the product, sellers need to communicate on a personal level with its buyers. Since the selling strategy targets this level of appeal, companies need to realize that they need to understand better who they are selling to culturally and psychologically stay competitive (Johansson, 2001). According to Perner (2004), "A le arned, shared, compelling, interrelated set of orientations for members of society". Culture influences goals, beliefs, attitudes and values and ultimately buying behaviour. In the development of the essential strategies for competing effectively in today’s globalized retail markets, it can be concluded that several factors are essential to success. Among them are extensive and relevant market research, responsive and sensitive marketing strategies, focus and creativity to execute plans and strategies, attentiveness changes in society and the social and political environment, flexibility to cope with the critical situation effectively and efficiently.
Comparison between traditional and online casses Essay
Comparison between traditional and online casses - Essay Example Online classes are gaining prominence in the contemporary world, where there is more favor towards them than traditional classes.In these two types of rather forms of classes,there are certain differences and similarities that set them apart and bring them together respectively,and as a result,there is a need to look into these aspects of the two types of classes. There are a number of distinct similarities and differences between traditional and online lessons, where online lessons provide flexibility, which is only one of the largest advantages of learning or taking lessons online. In online lessons, the flexibility that students have is that it allows them to attend classes at their own convenience, when they have the time, and when they can concentrate without any distractions. In addition to this, there is the flexibility of taking online lessons at one own time when the student is travelling or taking art in other activities simultaneously. This is unlike traditional lessons or classes, where students have fixed schedules to attend classes at the prescribed time rather than attending lessons at their own convenience. However, there is a similarity in this case between the two in that the convenience of flexibility is almost similar in that most schools allow lessons to miss traditional classes when it is not entirely convenient to attend them. This is in cases of severe illness or other emergencies, which makes both traditional and online classes conveniences. ... In these cases, online learning becomes distinct from traditional learning, as learners have to wait for some time to receive feedback, especially in cases where they use email for communication. Students are unable to get direct instruction and immediate feedback, which at times affects performance due to clarity of instruction. On the other hand, traditional learning in the classroom allows students to have immediate feedback from their instructors, which increases motivation for the learners and even simplifies difficult concepts in technical courses and units such as statistics (Stevens and Switzer 97). This is in addition to difficulty in expressing ideas and contributing positively in the learning experience in online lessons because traditional lessons go contrary to this by allowing immediate contribution when called upon by the instructor. Interaction Traditional classroom interaction offers a rich social experience for learners, where they get to interact with one another b eyond conventional academic means, as found in the case of online lessons. In traditional classroom lessons, learners can meet their classmates and exchange ideas on their academic performance and other social aspects bringing them together as a social unit. Although online learning has an interaction platform in the form of chat rooms, through which students post discussion topics and exchange ideas, but they are unable to go beyond these and into the social realm of interpersonal relationships. This serves as both a similarity and a difference between traditional lessons and online lessons where learners can interact, but only through different
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Boeing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Boeing - Case Study Example There were a lot of apprehensions among the directors as the company had not enough experience of developing a plane of their own. Project Uncertainty and Risk Management, the project management was not effective in Boeing 767 program, is the first weakness. Since the company did not have any past experience of cockpit design for two persons, it resulted in many difficulties in the successful execution of the final product. There should have been a through analysis of design before getting the final approval. Another weakness was that the geographic locations of production were also not considered. This hence became a major weakness as the transportation of parts was important on time. Time also became critical also due to the change in the design of cockpit. The strength was that the conversion of conversion from two-person to three person cockpit, which a very big risk was handled very intelligently. First strength was that the delivery of the planes was just one month delayed. This conversion also raised project uncertainty concern. As the parts were designed for two person cockpit and payments were already made. The strength of project management was that it was decided that modification experts will fix this problem once parts are installed. This resulted in minimization of the risk of production disruption. Hence the project uncertainty arising from risk was avoided. This made the design of new cockpit more adaptable to changes. In terms of quality managements another weakness aroused due to this conversion for space. This risk seemed to disrupt the modification of the thirty planes which were almost ready and were also ready to be flown. However, many managers opposed this approach as it violated the fire control systems and may result in working environment without fire system for some time till the new system gets installed again (Shaw, 1999). Another weakness in terms of quality was about the modification in production. Until all drawing and parts were available, cockpit work was delayed for two-crew models, and also demanded the alteration in the test procedure. Testing of each system sequentially when it became operational was not possible then. Furthermore another weakness which reinforced this weakness was that functional testing was done after complete installation of two-person cockpit. Hence the delay in problem detection and correction became another big weakness in terms of quality assurance. This gave chances for some errors and problem to be overlooked from one stage of installation to other. However, the strength of this program with regard to the quality management was that parts installation was done only once and there were no subsequent removal hence the configuration was secured. This reduces the effort cost that might have incurred if parts were removed one after the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Develop a plan for Domestic Destination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Develop a plan for Domestic Destination - Essay Example Through participation the individual provide financial assistance and thus the local individuals are empowered. Additionally, the local community can attain direct financial benefit through conservation of the natural resources (Allen and Frank, 31). Through conservation the heritage and the beautiful environment is protected while the communities benefit from employment thereby achieving a sustainable development. This means that a preserved ecosystem will host tourist to come and witness beautiful planet and social climate (Chawla, 23). Through ecotourism individuals are able to understand the nature, local community and their culture. Medical tourism refers to a travel that tourist undertake to ensure that they can get medical treatment (Kulkarni, 20). The purpose of traveling is to attain and improve their health or fitness. Medical tourism has a long history that dates back thousands of years. For example, in Greece thousands patients were traveling so that they could receive healing from Asklepios in Epidauria . Asklepios was a god who used to heal individuals from any part of the country who had different problems and this was a reason why individuals would travel (Bookman and Karla, 31). In other countries people travel from other parts of country when they hear there is a place where their problem related to medical issues. For example people used to travel from other countries so that they would collect water that was assumed to be holy. For example the waters from the holy shrines have been used by many individuals who move from one country to another so that they will collect the holy water (Stolley and Stephanie, 54). This is a medical tourism since the tourists have one goal of being healed whenever they will visit such places. For the less developed countries, patients tend to seek medical assistance from developed
Monday, September 23, 2019
Escaping Embarrassment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Escaping Embarrassment - Essay Example example of free style rappers who dread any instance of stopping abruptly in their rapping, and have devised techniques through which they can prevent â€Å"falling off,†mostly by sharing a platform and taking turns to rap, which helps in saving face, and brings out a stronger personality in street music. This implies fluent communication directly affects the image of an individual to the audience. Sawyer (1) noted that casual conversation portray creativity as it is directionless and is not scripted. With scripting, one has to remember each detail of the work to be communicated to ensure free flow of such information, however in causal communication the speaker is at liberty to include anything they feel comfortable and fluent in to ensure free flow of information to the audience. This contributes to creativity as individuals think out of the box to include materials that would keep the audience entertained, and portray eloquence in communicating. Moreover, such communication is naturally collaborative, meaning that it is uniquely creative as an individual discovers unexpected and valuable ideas from the audience, and from creative thinking, which make the audience entertained (Sawyer, 71). Eloquence and creativity in communication bring about an image of a strong communicator. Goffman (3) asserts that expressions involve two distinct sign activities. The most important expression involves a range of actions that are symbolic, and which define the actor. These symbolic actions are what define the eloquence of the communicator and include the body language, confidence, and public addressing skills. The nonverbal, unintentional type of communication whether deliberately engineered or unintentional defines the image of the individual as an eloquent and experienced communicator (Goffman, 4), which amounts to define the image of the individual. As Lee (307) asserts, people will derive numerous techniques to save face. However, if an individual is at risk of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Procurement Ethics Practices Essay Example for Free
Procurement Ethics Practices Essay All persons in society, whether in private or public sector, product or services industry are concerned with ethics, Ethics is defined as the discipline dealing with what is good or bad and moral duty and obligation. Thus personal ethics has been referred to as the rules by which an individual lives his/her personal life. Business ethics is concerned with truth, fairness and justice and accounting ethics pertains to the code that guides the professional conduct of aspects such as the expectation of society and customers, social responsibility, consumer autonomy and corporate behavior in the home country as well as abroad (koontz et al 1994) Business ethics has become a well recognized aspect of managing firms today . Due to an increasing interest of ,many are nowadays concerned about values like integrity and honesty and developing ethical codes to foster responsible behavior of their employees. Ethically therefore, managers must produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people in these days of pervasive globalization of business. Manager should recognize that customers and all other stakeholders of their companies have aright to quality products and services, to meet their existing and emerging needs, at affordable prices, all times, and should be guided by fairness and equity, as well as imparity. Managers must institutionalize ethics in their decisions and daily activities thus applying integrity and integrating ethical concepts with daily actions. This can be achieved by: Establishing an appropriate company policy or code of ethics, so as to institutionalize ethics, sin organizational behavior both at management and board of director’s level, using a formally established ethics committee, teaching ethics to employees. It has been established that ethical standard vary from society to society and from country to country and should therefore be taught to ensure uniformity in understanding and applicability across the world, particularly in these days of increasing and pervasive globalization. In procurement office or department the following ethics should be followed for better running of the organization. All officers who are in charge must follow some ethics for good purchasing and supplying, this will include: Honesty: People who procure on behalf of organizations cannot afford to give anyone cause to believe that their procurement behavior is not completely ethical. Spending millions of shillings for their organizations, they are exposed to temptations that most of their colleagues face. Therefore, they have to be honest when procuring goods on behalf of the organization. Enhancing Integrity :Procurement officials should never use their authority or office for personal gain and shall seek to enhance their integrity by: maintaining unimpeachable standards of integrity in all business relationship both inside and outside the organizations in which they are employee, fostering the highest possible standards of professional competence amongst those for whom they are responsible, optimizing the use of resources for which they are responsible to provide the maximum benefit to their employing organization. Conflicts of Interest: When dealing with suppliers potential conflicts of interest can sometimes arise. Instances where relatives or friends are employed by the supplier company should be notified to the Service Unit Manager. This will not prevent the Council trading with the supplier though the Council may arrange for the procurement to be handled by another officer. In instances where Members or former employees are potential suppliers it is important that they do not receive or expect to receive special consideration. If their inside knowledge appears to give them an unfair competitive advantage it may be desirable to take steps to ensure fair competition amongst all suppliers. Rewards to employees: Members and officers should avoid as far as possible dealing with our suppliers in their private affairs, particularly if this is likely to put them under some obligation to the supplier. Where such arrangements are unavoidable it is essential that they ensure that they are not offered any sort of deal which is not commonly available and which could be construed as a reward for actions taken in the course of the employment. Principles of Professional : Seeks or accepts a position as head or employee only when fully in accord with the professional principles applicable thereto, and when confident of possessing the qualifications to serve under those principles to the advantage of the employing organization, believes in the dignity and worth of the services rendered by the organization and the societal responsibilities assumed as a trusted public servant, so that organization is governed by the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to merit the respect and inspire the confidence of the organization and the public being served. Confidentiality and Accuracy of Information: The confidentiality of information received in the course of duty should be respected and should never be used for personal gain; information given in the course of duty should be true and fair and never designed to mislead hence making personal profit obtained through misuse of public or personal relationships is dishonest and not tolerable. Business gifts: Business gifts, other than items of very small value such as business diaries, calendars, should not be accepted, members of the staff should at no time or under any circumstances accept directly or indirectly, gifts, gratuities, or other things of value from suppliers which might influence or appear to influence purchasing decisions. Hospitality: Modest hospitality is an acceptable courtesy at a business relationship. However, the recipient shall not allow himself to reach a position whereby he might be deemed by others to have been influenced, in making a business decision as a consequence of accepting such hospitality. The frequency and scale of hospitality accepted shall not be significantly greater than the recipients employer would be likely to provide in return. Proper communication: Keeps the governmental organization informed, through appropriate channels, on problems and progress of applicable operations by emphasizing the importance of the facts. In case of any information which is unclear so be discussed with relevant officer without making uninformed decisions which may cost the organization. Proper control of personnel: Resists encroachment on control of personnel in order to preserve integrity as a professional manager, handles all personnel matters on a merit basis. Politics, religion, ethnicity, gender, and age carry no weight in personnel administration in the agency being directed or served. Disciplinary Action: Seeks or dispenses no personal favors, handles each administrative problem objectively and emphatically without discrimination. Any mistake committed should be dealt with without favor and the correct measure should be applied. Purchasing and supply procedure: Officers shall always seek to uphold and enhance the standing of the Purchasing and Supply profession and will always act professionally and selflessly by: maintaining the highest possible standard of integrity in all their business relationships both inside and outside the organizations where they work, rejecting any business practice which might reasonably be deemed improper and never using their authority for personal gain, enhancing the proficiency and stature of the profession by acquiring and maintaining current technical knowledge and the highest standards of ethical behavior; fostering the highest possible standards of professional competence amongst those for whom they are responsible. Competition The nature and length of contracts and business relationships with suppliers can vary according to circumstances. These should always be constructed to ensure deliverables and benefits. Arrangements which might in the long term prevent the effective operation of fair competition should be avoided. Conclusion Managerial and appropriate ethical behavior is central to the success and effectiveness of organization anywhere in the world today. Business are so interconnected ,in terms of products and information flows, that ethical behavior in one country or in one part of the globe has an immediate impact in other countries or parts of the globe. Consequently, attempts should be made by governments and business leaders to incorporate standard management practices in their operations to enhance the efficiency of these flows. Ethical standards and codes are in this process because of the globalization of e- world business today. There is an urgent need to develop and adopt international ethical standard and codes to guide and regulate managers, globally, in running their organization effectively. These codes should include corporate governance and social responsibility practices. Reference: 1) Codes of Professional Responsibility by Rena A. Gorlin 1149 pg 2) Management Reform by DIANE Publishing Company 539 pg 3) News line KASNEB (July-sep2004) 4) Koontz et al management (1994)
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Factors That Influence Poverty
Factors That Influence Poverty The literature examined throughout this paper assumes that there are many contributing factors that can lead to poverty in the United States of America. The factors include but are not limited to increased immigration rates, the lack of education, illicit drug use, and family composition (i.e. single parent homes). Additionally the literature presented demonstrates the relevance of the previously mentioned areas while highlighting specific examples. In conducting research on this particular issue many scholars shared contradicting views on what truly influences poverty in the U.S. This may be contributed to the many factors including the areas in which the research was conducted and varying backgrounds. Thus my research question is What critical components contribute to the rising poverty levels in America? In answering this scrupulous question I will focus on factors including immigration, level of education and family composition. Poverty is an issue that affects us all because res earch indicates that increased poverty levels are proportional to increased crime rates, number of students that drop out of school, and lack of job opportunities. Uncovering the critical components that contribute to the rising poverty levels in American will allow individuals to find solutions to this growing issue. Abstract Introduction Many individuals believe that poverty is only found in third world countries, but contrary to popular belief it exists in wealthy countries as well. Poverty occurs when individuals are unable to satisfy their basic needs, which leads to a depravation of food, shelter, money, and clothing. Scholars suggest that factors including increased immigration rates, illicit drug use, varying levels of education and family composition play a major role in the rising levels of poverty in America. Poverty is an issue that affects us all, research indicates that increased poverty levels are proportional to increased crime rates, number of students that drop out of school, and lack of job opportunities. Likewise increased levels of poverty also tend to have a negative effect on our communities. For example rising poverty levels forces property rates decrease. Furthermore, the issues surrounding poverty are a great concern to many individuals living in the land of prosperity, because there are a lar ge percentage of individuals that are living below the nations current poverty line. This is a very troubling fact, thus my research question is; what critical components contribute to the increase levels of poverty in America? In looking at potential causes of poverty, one can begin to formulate solutions that would ultimately help decrease the national poverty rate. Through examining various data, the previously mentioned research question would shed light on what factors truly contribute to poverty in the United States. To conduct my research I will visit certain cities that have high poverty rates. While in those cities I will stay in low income housing, also referred to as section eight, and intermingle with the residents. By staying in community with those that are affected by poverty I will be able to interact with many of them on a personal level through participant observation. Researching the many components of poverty is important, because we are products of our community , as a result we should know what negatively affects it so that we build on improvements. Literature Review People living in poverty tend to be in clustered neighborhoods rather than being evenly distributed across a geographic area. [1] Alemayehu Bishaw suggests that measuring this concentration of poverty is important, because researchers have found that living in areas with many other poor people places burdens on low-income families beyond what the families own individual circumstances would dictate. This article, using a combination of statistical data shows the distribution of individuals living in poverty based on level of education, race/ethnicity, living environment, and marital status. This report deeply analyzes demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of census tracts, to determine what truly influences poverty. The persistence of poverty and economic inequality around the world has led many economists to question the model of an individuals self-determination when it comes to living in poverty. [2] In Poverty Traps authors Samuel Bowels, Steven Durlauf, and Karla Hoff, propose that there are many conditions that may trap individuals, groups, and entire economies in poverty. In using history and theories Bowels, Durlauf, and Hoff suggest that those born into poverty have it in their power to get out of poverty. This book argues that there are many conditions that can influence poverty such; as an individuals level of education, and ones living and socioeconomic environment. The authors propose that poverty informs much political debate while making a correlation between social and political institutions, beginning with corruption and not limited to social customs such as kin systems. Throughout the 21st/ century, poverty advocates and activists continuously propose that political mobilization is an effective mechanism to combat poverty in many western democracies, specifically the United States. [3] The Politics of Poverty: Left Political Institutions, the Welfare State and Poverty, investigates the impact of left political institution on a nations amount of poverty. Brady argues that, given the longstanding contention that left political institutions reduce social inequality, it is plausible that left mobilization potentially could contribute to poverty reduction. Through various research methods, it is suggested that the strength of left political systems has a significant and powerfully negative impact on poverty. While welfare remains a crucial determinant of poverty, left political institutions are crucial to the explanations of poverty from a historical viewpoint A question often asked is Can the wealthiest nation in the world do nothing to combat the steadily rising numbers of Americans living in poverty, or the millions close to living in poverty? [4] Poverty in America, using various methods examines and explains why poverty is growing, while illustrating steps that can be taken to prevent it. John Edwards, Marion Crain, and Arne Kalleberg Edwards, Crain, and Kalleberg recognize that in order to eliminate an issue, one must first, figure out what is causing the issue. In doing this, the authors give an adequate definition of poverty and many of the factors that contribute to the rising poverty levels. Additionally, Poverty in America discusses the repercussions that rising poverty levels are having on various ethnic groups. In conducting research, the authors uncovered that there is a disproportionate number of African-Americans and Hispanic families living below the poverty line. They propose that this is due to wealth inequalities and the growing income gap between the rich and the poor. In the United States, with the exception of those on Social Security, the only way for most individuals to avoid poverty is to work. [5] Ron Haskins the author of Combating Poverty: Understanding New Challenges for Families, using empirical data and research methods provides various poverty trends over the course of history. By doing such, Haskins suggests that the conditions within the United States virtually ensure high poverty rates because of the factors that influence poverty. Those factors including the declining of work rates, stagnant wages, family composition, inferior education, and the increase number of immigrants. Haskins suggests that the conditions in the U.S. ensure high poverty rates because the factors that influence poverty remain very strong. Furthermore, Haskins deeply analyzes each individual cause and sheds light on them through data, charts and graphs. Over the course of history the United States has experienced a rising standard of living, with the Gross Domestic Product per capita on a constant rise. [6] Hilary Hoynes, Marianne Page, and Ann Stevens, using exploratory research methods examines the trends in individual poverty rates. Poverty in America: Trends and Explanations examines the rise and fall of various social economic groups that are in poverty. Likewise, this source takes into account many of the components that are used when measuring the various levels and causes of poverty such as levels of education, overpopulation and job opportunities. Throughout this text the authors present charts and graphs to show the change in data over a certain period of time. Hoynes, Page, and Stevens provide a fundamental contribution to understanding poverty as a whole. What does it mean to be poor? This is a questioned posed be John Iceland in Poverty in America: A Handbook. While most people would be hard-pressed to give a precise answer, many feel that poverty is easily recognized when one sees it. [7] For example, a news story accompanied with images of malnourished children in an areas surrounded by filth can vividly display poverty. Iceland suggests that as one moves away from the obvious examples, it becomes more difficult to distinguish what people mean when using the word poor. In using a concise, accessible format the author produces an inclusive picture of the state of poverty in America. Additionally, Poverty in America: A Handbook shows how poverty has changed significantly over time. Likewise, Iceland adequately shows how poverty is both measured and understood, and how public policies have wrestled with poverty as a political issue, and an economic reality. Furthermore, in looking at conventional theories, Iceland asks the tough questions like: Is poverty unavoidable, and Are people more likely to live in poverty based on their race, class, and/or gender? There are many competing theories about the causes of poverty in the United States with a great deal of empirical evidence to justify support for each. [8] The Cause of Poverty Cultural vs. Structural, suggests that there are many different factors that contribute to poverty, while arguing that poverty is largely the result of social and behavioral deficiencies in individuals that make them less economically viable within a conservative society. Gregory Jordan proposes that the debate is divided among theorist and policymakers on whether the causes of poverty are cultural and behavioral or structural and economic. This article briefly examines the theoretical arguments behind both, while providing an analysis to determine the empirical relevancy of each. Additionally, this debate is popular across political party lines with republicans supporting the cultural and behavioral side and democrats leaning more toward the structural and economic causes. To a majority of Americans, illicit drug use and poverty go hand in hand. [9] Robert Kaesnter suggests that poverty is concentrated in inner-city neighborhoods that are often times known for high rates of drug use. Similarly, the homeless population primarily found in cities consists of a proportion of drug users. Kaestner argues that the public has a significant amount of evidence that links drug use to poverty. Using empirical data researchers are able to propose that drug use, although not the only factor, can lead to poverty. Likewise based on societys willingness to pay for and support antidrug programs, it appears that there is a widespread belief that drug use causes many negative social and economic outcomes including poverty. Additionally this article includes tables that support its main argument. The proportion of U.S. residents born in another country has increased significantly in recent years. [10] Immigration and poverty in the United States, highlights that international immigration accounted for over a quarter of the net population growth from 2000-2007.Using various research techniques, Steven Raphael and Eugene Smolensky suggests that immigration can affect the United States poverty rate in two ways. The first way is that immigrants tend to live in highly concentrated areas, where the level of formal education is low. Secondly, it is proposed that immigrants tend to work for lower wages and do not earn an annual salary. By not working for a steady salary immigrants are more likely not to have a consistent paycheck, thus forcing many of them to live in poverty. The authors argue that the combination of increased poverty among immigrants and a higher ratio of immigrants to the total population add to the national poverty rate. Buried in the Census report are startling figures revealing that the collapse of marriage is creating a poverty crisis. [11] The Poverty Solution: Marriage or Bust, proposes that a long-term root cause of poverty in the United States of America is unwed childbearing. Through various research methods Robert Rector illustrates that single-mother families are five times more likely to live in poverty than married couples with children. Consequently, nearly 70 percent of poor families in America are headed by single parents. Additionally Rector highlights that the unwed birthrate has increased by 22 percent since 2002. Overall, this article suggests that because the rate of single mothers has risen, so has the number of individuals living in poverty. Over the past 25 years significant structural changes have occurred in the United States that have influenced poverty, making current-day poverty different in some ways from poverty just a few decades ago. [12] Causes of Poverty illustrates structural changes include transformations in our economic structure such as the shift from manufacturing employment to service sector employment. Amy Rynell suggests that structural changes include but are not limited to the changes in the economic structure, diseases, welfare reform, immigration, and the increase number of individuals being incarcerated. Rynell, through rigorous econometric and statistical methods presents data based on the various causes of poverty, while showing that certain components affect various populations in different ways. America is always projected as a world superpower and a developed nation. While the term poverty may conjure images of destitute people living in dreadful conditions, this term assumes a new dimension when we speak of poverty in the U.S. [13] Causes of Poverty in America suggests that although America is the land of dreams, it does not differ from the rest of the world. Often times people associate poverty with third world countries, Ashwini K. Sule argues that this is far from the truth. Sule proposes that just as there are different definitions of poverty, the causes of poverty are also different. Furthermore, this article suggests that poverty is caused by a plethora of factors including unemployment, lack of education, the breakdown of family systems and the lack of willpower. Contrary to popular belief, the effects of poverty could very well be the causes of poverty. The Census Bureau conducts a national census every ten years that includes the America Community Survey (ACS); this survey includes a section that deals strictly with poverty. How to Define Poverty? Let Us the Ways discloses that according to the U.S. Census Bureau there are millions of people are living in poverty. [14] Louis Uchitelle, using various research methods actively defines poverty. In defining poverty, it is suggested that there is no single definition that can accurately characterize all of the components that go into poverty. This is mainly because there are numerous types of poverty. Although there is no one definition that defines poverty, Uchitelle proposes, that poverty in its most general terms is the lack of freedom to have or to obtain the basic needs of life. This article suggests that instead of trying to form a single definition, it is important to examine poverty from a holistic viewpoint. Poverty is increasing tremendously across many groups, from the suburban families to the very poor families. More workers are becoming discouraged and are giving up on the job market. [15] CBS News suggests that this issue can be attributed to the fact that the United States is considered to have a weak economy and fraying government. Because of the weak economy, the unemployment rate has significantly increased. Using various data tables and charts, this article shows that the official poverty rate will increase to 15.7 percent. This percentage is the highest the poverty rate has been since 1965. Poverty is spreading at record levels because of the lack of employment opportunities due to the fragile structure of the economy. It is also suggested that changes in the economy including outsourcing, immigration, and globalization have pushed the median household income lower. Research Design Poverty is a major issue within the U.S. today. Economical, political, social, and cultural factors all contribute to poverty. The United States Census Bureau defines poverty as an economic condition in which people have an insufficient income and amount of resources to obtain basic needs such as housing, clothing, food, and health care. [16] Poverty is generally separated into two sections, those being absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute or extreme poverty is a circumstance in which individuals are unable to pay the prices of basic necessities needed to survive. Secondly, relative poverty suggests that people may be able to obtain basic needs but are unable to maintain the living conditions that are deemed normal. Relative poverty usually focuses on comparing ones income to those in the rest of the society. The most frequent measure of poverty in America is the poverty threshold which is set by the U.S. government. This measure identifies poverty as a lack of those goods and services frequently taken for granted by individuals living in a conventional society. [17] The official threshold is typically adjusted for inflation to better fit society. As suggested by the literature review presented in the previous section, there are many components to consider when discussing what influences poverty in America. The literature at hand proposes that immigration, varying education levels, and family composition play a major role in increasing poverty rates. This section will discuss how the previously mentioned components negatively affect poverty rates in the U.S. through key examples. To conduct my research I will begin by going to areas that I frequently visit, that are stricken by poverty in Atlanta, New York, and California. In these cities I will live in low income housing most commonly known as section eight and intermingle with the residents. By staying in community with those that are affected by poverty I will be able to interact with many of them on a personal level through a participant observation. A participant observation is when a researcher actively participates in the daily life of the people under study while obser ving things that happen, listening to what is said and questioning people, over some length of time. [18] My goal is that the individuals under study would hopefully feel that they could trust me and in turn be open to answering any questions that I might have in regards to their living situation. In doing this I will observe on a first hand bases some of the factors that influence poverty in these areas by taking various polls based on individuals varying education levels, and family composition. Additionally, the cities under observation have very high immigration rates as a result I will be able to examine the affects immigration has on the rising poverty levels in America. Immigration Most studies of poverty conducted within the United States have usually focused on how widespread economic trends and social welfare affects the number of individuals living in poverty. Very few scholars have conducted research on the influence immigration has on the growing poverty levels in America. In gathering my research I propose that immigration increases the poverty rates by suggesting that newly arrived immigrants are on average poorer than U.S. citizens. When conducting my research I will first explore the effect immigrants have on the nations tax base. Additionally, I plan to focus on the impact immigration has on the poor already in America. Due to rising unemployment rates, low incomes, and the change in taxes, those living in poverty pay very little in taxes. Similarly, although many immigrants work when they arrive to the states they tend to receive payment under the table, thus they escape paying taxes. Furthermore, when looking at the programs designed to assist the less fortunate, many of them depend mainly on government assistance. Many individuals that are eligible to receive the services offered live below the poverty line. Because immigration adds to the number of individuals needing assistance, the funding needed to support welfare programs increase. This phenomenon suggests that if the U.S. continues to aid immigrants, we will not have the resources that are needed to help American citizens. Education Over the Thanksgiving holiday I had the opportunity to visit various communities in the greater Atlanta area where individuals are living below the U.S. poverty line. While visiting the communities I was able to talk to some of the residents about their educational background, and I quickly realized that many of the residents did not have a high school diploma or GED. The information gathered supports the idea that the impact of education on poverty can be assessed by examining how receiving a degree of higher learning can potentially enable individuals to obtain a better standard of living. Education plays a role in obtaining jobs, thus individuals that do not receive an adequate education are unable to provide for their families. With the job market in the U.S. being very competitive it is imperative to have an education. In todays society there are individuals that have multiple college degrees, and they still find themselves struggling to make ends meet. A person that does not re ceive an education is more likely not to receive a desirable income that would ultimately allow them to obtain all of the basic necessities needed to survive. Consequently, those without an education bring their family into a never ending cycle of poverty. This is not to say that those without an education will automatically live poverty, but it does place individuals at a higher risk of living below the poverty level. Although lack of education influences poverty, poverty itself can have a negative effect on children trying to attain an education. Family Composition Over the course of history the family composition in America has changed drastically. No longer is the two parent household considered the norm. In fact in todays society single parent households are rapidly increasing. Growing up in a single parent home, most of my life, I know that it can be extremely difficult for a single parent to provide the basic necessities for his/her family. Changes in family composition can be considered a major influence on the growing poverty rates in the U.S. Recognizing this, in visiting different communities over the Thanksgiving break I was able to observe on first hand bases the factors that contribute to the changes in family composition. For example divorce has the ability to cause great inconsistency in a households income. Consequently divorce takes away from the economic well being of custodial parents and their children. This is mainly due to the fact that men tend to have a higher earning power then women. Thus, after a divorce women and chil dren experience a significant financial decline as a result forcing them to live below the poverty lines. Similarly, single parent households can be tied to poverty because they normally have only one potential earner. When there is only one adult earner in the household, fewer hours are worked and fewer hours are available to be worked due to childcare responsibilities. Although the family composition can contribute to poverty levels, many single parent households are forced to live in poverty despite their efforts.
Friday, September 20, 2019
System Requirment Specifications For Online Courier Information Technology Essay
System Requirment Specifications For Online Courier Information Technology Essay J.W Couriers has recently launched offices in the Wrexham area. It is an self governing company operating in North Wales and North West England. The company has no connection with any other national operation so in order to compete it supplies a manageable operation. In addition to the normal collection and delivery of parcels, it concentrate on legal documents, urgent medical supplies, sensitive material, valuable cargo, hazardous loads, contract work, etc. Site Goals: Allowing the customer to create an account Allowing the customer to request a quote for a collection/delivery service. Allowing the user to track Parcel from collection to the final destination. Allowing the admin to register a new user. Allowing the admin to add a new parcel location. Allowing the Quotes for different Parcel Types. Accept/Reject Customer Request. View the different types of Quotes. Adding the Branches for different Warehouses. Allowing the user change his/her personal details. Audience: Every project has its own trend to its audience. Due to massive usage of web (internet) is easy to carry out many kinds of business in online. . Audience for this type of business are the people who require the courier service to collect/deliver the goods from one place to another. By asking the jobs and quoting the price in online. The audience must know how to use the internet and how to quote the price. B. Competition Analysis: List of organizations: BLUEDART ( ROYAL MAIL ( TNT ( Critical Evaluation: BLUEDART: BLUEDART authorize courier services internationally. It supplies different types of courier services for customers like normal delivery, express delivery and so. This website has good shipping structure. It provides search to find related content in the website. But the website lacks the consistent look. It does not have correct styles. It allows the customer to get the rate and time quote. It also provides techniques to track the location of order and contains many other features. ROYALMAIL: ROYALMAIL is one of the biggest courier services which provide its services internationally. It provides services like Logistics, mail, Parcel and other services to the customer. The website of this organization provides many features to the customers. It is well organized with good shipping system. It provides different mechanisms for the customer to track, trade, account management, Estimate duties and taxes. It also supplies content in different types of text sizes. TNT: TNT is courier service provides its service internationally. It includes two kinds of services TNT post and TNT express. It provides very limited features in the website like tracking and tracing the order, account management and request quote. The website is well organized and had good consistent look comparing to the above two. It also provides sitemap for easy site navigation. Like ROYALMAIL it provides content in different text sizes and allows the customers to print the text. Content decision: Existing system: The existing has following drawbacks. It is less user-friendly. It is having lots of manual work (Manual system does not mean that you are working with pen and paper, it also include working on spread sheets and other simple softwares). The present system is very less secure. It cannot provide online registration. It does not have tracking mechanism Proposed system By considering the problems in the existing developed the new system providing with different interface. By this new system user having flexibility like online registration The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach. User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls. The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the Internet. There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process. It provides high level of security using different protocols like https etc. Tracking Mechanism is available in this application. Task 3: Critical Evaluation: JW courier website was primarily designed to provide courier services for the customers by allowing them to quote in online. This website was designed to solve the problems in existing website, which does not provide the following No. of Modules Administrator Customer Authentication Registration Search Public User Modules Description Administrator: Administrator has the complete control of the project. The admin module will be used by the administrator of this portal; she/he can manage the Warehouse details and Branch Details. He can accept or reject the Customer requests. Admin can accept or reject the Parcel Requests. She/he can add the quotes for particular parcel. He can add the all Country details and states. Customer: Customer must fill the registration details before login. Customer can also manage his/her profile. He/she can View the all Quotes. He/she can also request to Particular parcel and search the particular parcel Track Id. Authentication: Authentications process of granting or denying access to a Web based Application. It is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. Authentication is commonly done through the use of credentials i.e. user name and passwords Search: This module is used to search the required information. Search for Parcel Track Id. Registration: The system has a process of registration. Every user need to submit their complete details including user name and password in the form of registration. Whenever a user registration completed then only a user can get log in into the system by using his user id and password. Public User: Public User can view the only what available in this site. Whenever public user open the site he can get some functionalities like About Us, Contact us and what opportunities are available. Public User can also Login to the site but he should fill the Register form according to the Requirements after that he can logon to the site. No. of users Administrator Customer Public Users INPUT OUTPUT The following some are the projects inputs and outputs. Inputs: Admin enters the credentials. Admin preserves the Countries and States. Member Details store in Central database. Manager preserves the Warehouses and Branches for particular Warehouse. Customer can add the all the Quotes. Customer should register into the site. Output: Admin can view User Registration details. Admin can view the details of the Parcel requests from the Customers. Customer can view his/her personal Details. Admin can view the Customer details (Accept/Reject). Customer can view the status of the Parcel using Track Id. The case study JW courier service is to design a website for the organization to provide courier services for the customers online. The main purpose of the project is to design a complete website to solve the problems in the existing website of the JW courier services. Each problem in existing project are solved in following ways: The existing website does not provide help for the customer. So the proposed solution was developed to provide help using chatting. Does not allow the customer to register so the proposed solution was developed to provide registration for the customer. It does not have tracking mechanism to track the order locations Admin module to add new location to the order to track order location It does not provide the customer to quote the orders online. So the proposed solution should solve the problem by allowing the customer to quote online and view previous quotes. Does not provide admin module to price the quotes ordered by the customers. So the proposed solution should provide admin to price the quotes. Development architecture Our project architecture generally contains the following components 1. UI or Presentation Layer, 2. Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer 3. Data Access Layer (DAL). The pictorial representation of the architecture as shown below: Presentation Layer (UI): Presentation layer contains pages like .aspx form where data is presented to the user or input is taken from the user. Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer: BAL contains business logic, validations or calculations related with the data, if needed. We will call it Business Access Layer in our project. Data Access Layer (DAL): DAL contains methods that helps business layer to connect the data and perform required action, might be returning data or manipulating data in the database. Feasibility study Technical feasibility The proposed/developed system is a web application and does not require any additional software requirements except hosting. A web hosting company hosts the web application in their web servers. Any client (end-user) with an internet connection and a web browsing software (at client side) can immediately start accessing/using the system. So, the system does not need any installation/setup procedure. Hence, the system is functionally feasible. Economic feasibility Author (project stakeholder) does not need to purchase any software and hardware to host the developed system. Web hosting companies purchase and maintain all necessary hardware and software for hosting the websites. Author has to pay only hosting charges to the hosting company. When it comes to the end-user, he/she does not need to purchase any software to use the website. Now-a-days every computerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s operating system is providing built in web browser and so many web browsing software products are available in the market for free. Only the cost that the author should bare is cost of development. Before starting the development, the development team estimates cost of development depends on the features asked by the client. If any new features to be added as per the new requirements of the client, cost of new additions are submitted to the client and after getting the confirmation from the client the new features will be added by the development team. Development team will take care of in-time delivery of the project to avoid excess cost of development due to delay. Hence, the proposed system is economically feasible. Operational feasibility This is about acceptance of the new system by the existing end-users and employees of the system and author. The website is aiming at employees and now-a-days all of them are aware of web browsing. If any person does not have any idea of web browsing, he/she will be trained to use the system within one hour time. So, the system can easily be accepted by any kind of end-user. Hence the proposed system is technically feasible.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
I Was Adopted- What Family Is To Me :: personal narrative, adoption
What Family Is To Me      Since birth, I have grown up with a different concept of family than most people do. Instead of being born into my biological family, I was adopted into my given family. I have known I was adopted, for as long as I can remember because my parents made sure to tell me so, at the earliest age that I could understand. By adopting me and my sister into the family, my parents showed that family means love, respect and sacrifice. My adoption gave me a family to belong to and be loved by.      Love is the first part in any family. I can be defined in more ways than one. Family love is the strongest type because it is unconditional. This unconditional love means that no matter what happens my family will still love me. They have shown this love for twenty years now. And after all the things I have done wrong, or done badly, my family still shows this unconditional love to me and to each other.      The second part in a family is respect and trust. Trust is something that can take years to build, but can be broken very easily. By breaking trust with a family member one is also breaking respect of the family. The two ideas go hand in hand. My parents respected me enough to tell me that I was adopted, instead of lying to me and having me find out later in life that I wasn't their biological son. This respect that my parents gave me, in turn gave me their trust. And I gave them the respect and trust that was given to me.      Without sacrifice, a family cannot be. The sacrifices that family members make for each other show the willingness to be an unselfish part of a family. Sacrifices also display the love, respect and trust in a family. I know that even though some of the time it may not seem that my parents would sacrifice anything for me, I realize that they would do anything for and everything for me and that I would do the same for them.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
police :: essays research papers fc
C.B.P. is working, we need to know; are we solving problems instead of reacting to them? Are police officers encouraged to leave their patrol cars and cooperate with the public? Do we have streets free of drug dealers, rowdy teenagers, soliciting prostitutes, predatory criminals, graffiti or drive by shootings? In conclusion C.B.P. is striving to build stronger more self sufficient communities, in which, crime and disorder do not thrive. Effective C.B.P. has a positive impact on reducing neighborhood crime, helps reduce fear of crime, and enhances the quality of life in the community; It accomplishes this by combining the efforts and the resources of the police, local government, and community members. Crime prevention takes on renewed importance in C.B.P. AND the community becomes a partner to law enforcement in order to address disorder and neglect or other problems that can breed serious crime. As links between the police and the community are strengthened over time, the partnership is better able to pinpoint and mitigate the underlying causes of crime. Following all these principles we can at least attain a new sense of community and at best we can make true the vision of Sir Robert Peel â€Å"It should be understood at the outset that the object to be attained is the prevention of crime. To this, great and every effort, of the police is to be directed. The security of person and property and the preservation of a police establishment will thus be better affected than by the detection and punishment of the offender after he has succeeded in committing the crime†. . . (Braiden 120) WORKS CITED Braiden, Chris. â€Å"Enriching traditional police roles†Police management: Issues and      perspectives.     Washington, DC. Police executive research forum 1992, Pg. 108,120 Eck, John E. and William Spelman,†Problem solving: Problem oriented policing†in Newport      News. Washington, DC: Police executive research forum, 1987 Pg xvi-xvii Kelling, George L. and Mark H, Moore â€Å"The evolving strategy of policing†Perspectives on      policing .Washington, DC : National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School      of Government. Harvard University Pg 4-5 Kelling, L. George â€Å" Measuring what matters :a new way of thinking about crime and public      order†.The city Journal, Spring 1992, Pg 21-22 Moore H. Mark and Geoffrey Albert â€Å" Measuring police performance â€Å" in John Dijulio Sr, et al Justice System Performance measures :Princeton University Bureau of justice      discussion series (forthcoming) Moore H. Mark and Malcolm K. Sparrow, David MacKennedy ABeyond 911: A new era for      policing.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Elderly in the Netherlands Essay
Nowadays, the elderly is a serious issue around the world; nearly all industrial countries are facing enormous pressure about the coming of aging society. As one of the most advanced countries in the world, how about the situation of elderly in the Netherlands ? Can Dutch society provide the best care to the Baby Boomer? Aging society, the Netherlands is on the way â€Å"For the Netherlands, the aged society did already make its entrance.†said Mr. Martin Smalbrugge Who is head of the training center for residents in elderly care medicine (GERION) of the Department of Nursing Home Medicine. This is true; in 1990 12.8% of the Dutch population was over 65, while in 2000 this was 13.6 %, which is an increase of 250,000 elderly people. (College, 2003)Obviously, the Netherlands have become an aged society country. Furthermore, the Dutch aging population will increase dramatically in the future, it is expected that the percentage of people of over 65 will increase to 14.8% in 2010 and to 22.9% in 2040. (Elderly) Aging society causes many challenges for Dutch economic and society. The first challenge is ageing society creates social and political pressures on social support systems, due to dramatic increase in the older retired population relative to the shrinking population of working ages. This would decrease the quantity of labor and investment in the Netherlands, and directly influence the increase of Dutch economy. The other one is the prevalence of disability, frailty, and chronic diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.) are expected to increase dramatically. As a result, there would be a huge burden for the Dutch society. For example, just the National Care for Elderly Program – Better quality of life for frail elderly persons through better quality of care which is tailored to the needs of the elderly persons, costs 80 million Euros. (The National Care for the Elderly Programme) Such a big amount of money into elderly care is like an invisible hand is impeding the increase of Dutch economy. Although many challenges in the Netherlands are caused by the aging society, elderly people are not abandoned by society. Actually, The Netherlands is one of the best countries to live for aged people around the world. There are efficient welfare and healthcare systems, high quality medical equipment, and a number of special services for elderly. How the Netherlands take care of Elderly The Netherlands has a rounded care and welfare system, this system satisfies the need for care for every citizen, and there are specific aims to different groups. For elderly, the nation policy’s main goal in the National Background Report for The Netherlands is to let people in all circumstances and phases of life were independent and self-reliant as long as possible. It was essential to offer people who need care, such as the elderly, optimum choices and to improve the quality of their life (Knipscheer, 2004). In order to achieve this goal, the Dutch government has made various efforts to set up an excellent elderly care system since 1900. However, in the early of 20 century It was unfair for aging people who are from lower social class in care and welfare system. For example, during that period it was hard for aging people from lower social class to get better health care, and find new job. In order to solved this problem, former government introduced reforms within the existing system of relief for both the poor and the elderly people which were 1912 Poor Law, and 1913 Old Age Pensions Act (College, 2003). Nevertheless, now the Netherlands has constructed the best and most effective elderly care and welfare system in the world. The basic elderly care system in the Netherlands is the Traditional Three-Level-System. It includes three levels which are residential homes for the elderly, nursing homes, and extramural care system (as opposed to the intramural care in institutional homes). (Senior citizens, 2011)Besides the Traditional Three-Level-System, Dutch society also developed many new measures to satisfy the increase for the need of elderly care. For example, †Umbrella care†, which means †care given by children, relatives and neighbors†(College, 2003). It is convenient to the huge number of elderly who live alone to get better life. Moreover, according to a research by European Union, 37% of Dutch people younger than 45 prefer their parents to stay and receive visits, this number is just lower than Sweden. (Harbers, 2008) †Umbrella care†is a perfect project to the elderly who live alone. Furthermore, comparing with other European countries, the Netherlands is one of the best countries in health care service. Specifically, the Netherlands has a large percentage of aging people are vaccinated against influenza each 2005, this percentage was 75%, and it has the largest influenza vaccination rate in the elderly in the EU. (Harbers, 2008) In addition, the Netherlands is also the first country that legalized Euthanasia around the world. This gives elderly who are suffering from serious diseases, such as cancer, right to die to get rid of agony from diseases. Even if some people hold the belief that the legalization of euthanasia is inhumane, it gives one option to elderly who get serious diseases and could not live any more to finish their agony. Just like Mr. Martin Smalbrugge said:†If you are very old, or in a very bad condition, I think people should be able to decide for themselves if they want to end their lives or continue.†Elderly care, still long way for the Netherlands the Netherlands is definitely an excellent model of elderly’s care and welfare system for other countries in the world to study, whereas for the Netherlands, this is not enough. Many drawbacks still exist in Dutch society for elderly people. On the one hand, like other European countries, due to the dramatic increase of elderly and economic recession, the situation of Infrastructures for elderly is still rigorous. For example, the Number of hospital beds in the Netherlands is below EU average, it was 438 hospital beds per 10,000 inhabitants. . (Harbers, 2008) This number is continuing decreasing in recent years. On the other hand, the baby boomers become more major group of elderly gradually, they are healthier and wealthier than former generations, and they need higher service quality. However, consequently there is still some space for Dutch elderly housing care; for example, like Mr. Martin Smalbrugge said that there has to be more staff and he think it would be a good idea to take more care at people at their own houses. People are happier in their own houses, get their own attention. Not only the Netherlands are facing the challenges of an aging society, but also almost advanced industry countries even some developing countries ,like China have the same problem. The efforts of the Netherlands is not enough to solve this global issue. This problem needs international cooperation, and international cooperate is a good platform for countries to share and study their experience about elderly care system each other. In order to give better life for elderly now and also for ourselves life in the future , we still need to do more! Bibliography College, D. V. (2003). Care Work with Older People. Older People in The Netherlands,1,3, 4 5.Ritrived from Elderly. (n.d.). Retrieved Feburary 23, 2012, from the Netherlands institute for social research: Harbers, M. (2008). Dare to Compare! Houten: The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Harmsen, J. G. (12. July 2011). Elderly people live independently to increasingly older ages. Retrieved feburary 23, 2012 from Satistics Netherlands: Knipscheer, G. V.-J. (2004). National Background Report. Hamburg. Senior citizens. (2011, November 15). Retrieved March 13, 2012, from Government of Netherlands: Sittig, H. (8. feburary 2012). â€Å"I won’t put my dad in a nursing home†. Retrieved feburary 23, 2012 from radio Netherlands worldwide: STEVERINK, N. (2001). Ageing and Society 21. the United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 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